Page 110 of Rut Bar

My legs tense with the threat of a muscle spasm. I throw one over his back, hoping that the change in angle stops it from ruining my impending orgasm. It’s going to be a good one. The kind of orgasm that leaves you limp and breathless, your legs achy. He’s so perfect, my Jamie. My sweet, submissive alpha. I wouldn’t have him any other way.

I’m careless of my heels as they dig into his back, too far gone with tightening bliss in my core to care about any marks I’m digging into his pristine flesh. His fingers curl inside me, brushing over my sweet spot with every stroke as he circles my swollen clit with his tongue. “That’s it. Right there. I’m gonna come, pet. Don’t stop. Don’t…”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Nate says from the doorway just as my orgasm rips through me. I moan, muscles clenching and releasing around his fingers. It’s not as good as coming around a cock, but it’s better than coming empty.

Jamie laps up my arousal as I crack my eyes open and I’m greeted with the furious, red-faced glare of my angry choreographer. I take a moment to catch my breath and longer to think of something to say other thanoops.

“What’s the one rule, Vee? THE ONE RULE?” he yells, reaching for the door to pull it shut so the entire club doesn’t hear everything.

Fuck. Probably should have shut the door before Jamie started eating me out.To be fair, I’d assumed that Anthony and Brendan shut it behind them when they left.

“Don’t fuck the dancers,” I pant, putting my leg down and nudging Jamie away from lapping up all the arousal smeared on my inner thighs. He doesn’t seem to mind getting caught fooling around at work. Doesn’t seem inclined to stop while we have an audience either.

Jamie sits back on his heels and tugs my skirt down so I’m covered, but he doesn’t get up from his place at my feet.

“You gave me so much shit for this when you caught me with Matt and now I find out you’re dipping your pen in the Rut Bar ink? Fuck, Vee. Goddamn it. How long has this been going on? How many of my dancers are you fucking?”

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Jamie says, moving to get up as if he plans to defend my honor.

I put my hand on his arm and pull him back down so he doesn’t become a target for Nate’s wrath. I don’t need Jamie to defend me, not when it’ll sour his relationship with Nate. And Nate isn’t saying anything I don’t deserve to hear. We should have been honest with everyone from the start instead of sneaking around and hiding things. It wasn’t fair to my pack or to the rest of the staff. Or to myself, if I’m finally being honest.

Fear held me back from accepting what I was too scared to admit was true. But I don’t want to be broken and alone anymore. I want the family—the life—they’re offering. Because… because I deserve to have a family and be happy, dammit.

“I’m not fucking all of your dancers, Nate. Jamie is special.”

“Oh, I heard exactly how special he is,” Nate sneers as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“He’s pack. Jamie is pack, and I… I love him.”

All the color drains from Nate’s face and his arms slip down to his side. “Oh, fuck. That’s worse. If you were only fucking him… You’re taking my best dancer from me, Vee.”

“No, I’m not,” I tell him.

Now that Nate’s calming down, I pat Jamie on the shoulder to tell him he can rise. He stands, his hand reaching for his bulge to reposition his raging erection that’s straining the brown fake fur to its manufactured non-stretch material limits. “Jamie doesn’t want to stop dancing, and neither do I. We’re… figuring things out. That’s why we haven’t told everyone.”

Nate stares at Jamie like he’s grown a second head. “I thought you were gay.”

“I’m bi,” Jamie says with a shrug.

“Yeah, but aren’t you and that bartender… Wait.” Nate turns to me. “You said we. Are there more people involved in this we? Who else are you involved with?”

Well, shit.Of all the days for Nate to not be strung out on a coke binge… “Anthony and Brendan are part of my pack too. Once we’ve sorted through some things, we’ll be making it official.”

Nate hesitates for a moment, then chuckles. “Iknewit was weird when you hired him and all of a sudden we had a new IRS agent poking around. Wait, is that why you gave him my desk? Because I thought you were mad about… Never mind, that’s not important right now. What’s important right now is that you’re fucking three employees. That’s two more than I ever did. I want my desk back. You and your boy toy can share.”

Nate is wearing my patience thin and ruining my post-orgasm buzz. I pinch the bridge of my nose where a headache is forming between my eyes. “You don’t need your desk, Nate, because you won’t be in it for much longer. That’s why I gave it to Brendan.”

“Are you fucking firing me?” Nate gasps. “I’m the reason Rut is the success that it is. My shows, my choreography, my eye for detail and storytelling. You can’t do this without me.”

“I’m promoting you, you stupid asshole!” I yell at him with rapid hand waving. “Because you’re good at your job and I respect the work you do here. I’m meeting with investors in New York City soon. If we get the funding and find a suitable location, we’re opening a second location, and I want you to run it.”

Nate looks at me with suspicion. “New York?”

“Yeah. You’re always going on and on about Broadway. You still have your connections there from Julliard. You know the city. And I trust you to run Rut. You understand what Rut is supposed to be, and while your set design dreams and spending are out of fucking control sometimes, I trust that you’ll make it the best experience possible for customers. Also, I can’t be in two places at once.”

“Well.” He sniffs, then rubs his nose. “That sounds like a lot of responsibility, which I’m willing to accept, but more responsibility needs to come with the right pay. And the cost of living is high in New York City, so… Listen, about earlier… I jumped to conclusions. I’m so glad to hear that you found your pack. You deserve to be happy, and it seems like…” His gaze slides to Jamie and his erection. “It seems like he makes youveryhappy. We’ll keep this between us, okay?”

No. No fucking way. I will not give Nate leverage over me. I will never let a man have power over me like that.