Page 4 of Mayhem's Magic

“Yes, yes, I want.... I am going to come. Yes!”

Roaring, I come along with her, jerking deep purple cum all over the shimmering veil between us. I much rather paint her pretty face or those perfect tits, but another time. I jerk until she stops moaning. Reaching out, I trace her mouth with my sticky fingers, and she gives another moan.

“Yes, I am here, little flame. Right here with you, where I belong. Where I will stay for the rest of days,” I rasp.

Head falling back, a little smile tilts her pink lips as she nods. She mumbles something about being alone. No, she no longer has to be alone. No longer must play with her pussy this way, because I will take good care of her. I will eat her or fuck her or shove my tongue inside her anytime she needs to get off.

Staring down at her, I brush a hand over her hair, the veil between us sparking. Her head lifts, as if she can feel me. But that is impossible. The veil is too strong for a human to feel me on the other side of it. It is one way we’re able to move unseen among humans and other creatures.

Then her eyes lift and lock on mine. And I know...I feel she can see past it, that she is staring into my eyes. An entire eternity happens in the space of a few seconds. Does she know I am here? Can she feel me beyond the veil?

“How?” I whisper, still unsure if she knows I am here.

An adorable smile tilts her lips. Her eyes flutter before she passes out, hand at her throat, the other between her thighs.

“Ah, my little flame,” I whisper gently, dropping the veil as I scoop up her tiny, soft frame, holding it against my rough, ruined one. Her arm lifts to hook over my neck as she burrows against my chest, as if we have done this before.

Finding her room, I settle her in the big, soft bed, leaving her bare. Better to keep her body ready for me. For when I need to see her golden skin or taste her sweet pussy again.

Pressing a gentle kiss to her head, I tuck her in carefully. I do not want to hurt her tender skin. The idea of my marks ruining her for me and me alone makes my dick jerk. My tail sweeps side to side as happiness, true, deep happiness floods me until I am overwhelmed with it.

Lying on the floor beside her, I just watch her for hours. Through dreams where she talks and ones where she moans and reaches out, for me I hope, I watch over her. I cannot take my eyes off her. Not even for a moment. I need nothing else in this world. Just to see her exist. To be close to her this way.

This tiny, soft, sweet little human has made this Demon feel like a man for the first time in a lifetime. I would do anything, give anything, kill or create anything, if she will let me stay at her side, feeling this for the rest of eternity.

Chapter Three


Stretching out against the cool sheets, I sigh against my pillows. I snuggle in, thankful it is a Saturday, and I have nowhere to go and nothing to paint. I just want to lie in this bed....wait...what?

“How did I get in bed? What...what happened last night? Am I naked?” I gasp, yanking the comforter up to my throat.

Not that my sisters or anyone else would be here to see me all...nekkid. Last night I was feeling more alone than usual. I had spent the day with my sisters and their men. Seeing them being so loved, being downright adored, mixed me up. I am so glad they found someone to worship them the way they deserve.

But I mean...can’t I aspire to be worshiped too?

Coming home to an empty cottage again triggered me, I guess. I tore off my clothes, poured myself some wine, and grabbed one of my smuttiest monster books. And then...well, then I got down to some self-worshiping.

“It was good,” I whisper to myself now, chuckling at how uninhibited I had been.

Closing my eyes, I lie back in bed, letting my hand slide over my bare body. It was so good, in fact, it felt as if I was not doing it alone. As if there was someone there, watching me, urging me on, daring me to please myself. There was a moment where I felt...well, IswearI felt a tongue licking between my legs.

“He was with you,” a voice whispers inside of my head.

“Who was with me?” I wonder, not at all bothered that I have a voice in my head confirming I was not alone.

“He is here for you. Your mate,” the voice answers.

Throwing the comforter off me as my body gets hot, I sit up. Was I not alone last night? Shaking my head, I try to dig past the fuzziness of the wine and personal pleasure party. Was there someone here with me? Did I let someone in while I was drunk and horny?

“No,” I affirm, shaking my head. “Not possible.”

Falling back with a sigh, feeling a little silly that my crazy is showing, I shake it all off. I was alone. I was buzzed, and I played with myself while I imagined a big, brooding monster had come to please me like no one else ever could.

Thinking about that monster, the one from that book, I smile. He was beautiful in my visions of him. Dark gray skin, almost marble in its finish. A sharp jaw and dark eyes, horns that I could grasp onto as I rode him. His tail wagged when he was happiest, and I imagine he could do...other things with it.

“Perfect. I am a monster pervert now,” I mutter with a laugh.