Page 21 of Mayhem's Magic

Going to my knees between her spread thighs, I begin to weep. In another lifetime, I did a sinful thing. But I was just a man, a scarred, lonely man who made an awful mistake. I may have deserved my time in Hades, but I believe I deserve this new chance.

“I love you. I love you more than any man has ever loved a woman. You have become my entire world and you’ve made it bigger. We have a family with your sisters, with their mates. Now a have given me everything. I will spend the rest of eternity earning it. I love you, little flame.”

“I love you, Mayhem. I heard him tell you your name. Do you want me to call you that name?”

“No. I am Mayhem. I am the Demon I am now, a Demon who is devoted to you, who adores you, who will go to Hades and back for you or our family. I amyourMayhem.”

“Yes, I think it suits you. Come here, my love,” she purrs, drawing me close to her, settling her soft body beneath mine.

Fitting close, I thrust inside of her, both of us growling as I fill her deep. Clasping our hands together, I pin the above her head as I start to claim her. To take from her body as I give from my own. I kiss her hard and soft, I bite at the mark that bonded us together, as I drive into her again and again.

We make love for hours. It seems after a battle, my sweet Nymph is insatiable. Not that I mind. As I cradle her close once she is sated at last, I thank the Gods that I heard that voice. A voice that I now think was not her, as I suspected. It was the being that comes from all three sisters being one.

They knew she was alone. That she needed someone who would love her, be loyal to her, sacrifice anything for her. I will love her until the end of time. I will never love another, never even look at another. I would trade my life for hers, I would have gone back to Hades if it had come down to it.

“I love you, little flame. You’re the magic. My own magic.”



Magic is always in the air here in Moon Haven. It is a beautiful spring day with bright, clear skies overhead and a warm sun hanging in the blue skies. A warm breeze kicks up, fluttering my dress and making a certain someone laugh.

Mayhem stands watching me, his brow cocking as he tilts his head to sneak a peek beneath my skirt. Turning from the easel I am working on, I shoot him a look, pointing at him accusingly.

“Behave with that precious girl here,” I chastise him, going to snuggle him and our daughter.

I was so alone before he came out of the darkness. My closeness with my sisters was struggling, I had no one to turn to, and I believed I might wind up alone forever. When Mayhem came to me, he changed my entire life.

Now I share an unbreakable bond with him. Nothing on this earth or any other can break it. I also found an all-new bond with my sisters. We’re still figuring out the wonder of being Nymphs together, our power coming together in harmony as we grow and get stronger.

Mayhem also gave me something else. The beautiful little girl he is holding. He is so careful with her, so loving, so devoted to getting her little laughs and her sweet smiles. In those first months of being pregnant, he was afraid she would be more Demon than Nymph.

“It would not matter to me. She is part of you and part of me. Whatever she is, she will be our beautiful little gift.”

“Yes, she is a gift. Just as you are, my love.”

For being a Demon, he is very much a romantic. He takes me out on date nights—though we do not go to town much, he just creates something special for us—he picks me flowers, and we take dozens of bubble baths together that last for hours to.

While I was pregnant, I was hit with wave after wave of creativity. I could not stop painting. Bright, colorful scenes that featured the same dark shadow my work had for so long. The pieces started to feature not just Mayhem, but our little girl, my sisters, and their mates.

I thought I was alone for so long, but I was wrong. I have them now. I had them before I even knew I did. They were always there, waiting for me to need them, waiting for my magic to come to life inside of me so I knew my mate when I saw him.

“This one is beautiful. It is my new favorite,” he exclaims as he hands me our daughter, cocking his head to look at my work.

“Come here, my sweet little Hale,” I whisper to her as I gather her close, breathing in her sweet, earthy scent. “You said that about the last one.”

“Because itwasmy favorite. Before you created this one,” he teases, coming close to drop a kiss at Hale’s head, then a sweeter one at my lips.

Hale was born just a few days after Luci’s daughter, Thorn made her appearance. Bessi was upset she was the last to pop as it were. Her little girl, Grey sits on the grass now with Thorn, the girls cooing as they create magic with each other. Going to the blanket they’re playing on, I set Hale with them.

“Come here, my love,” I whisper to Mayhem as we spin from the girls.

Facing Azazel together taught us a lot of things. First, that we’re all Nymphs, of course. Second, we’re even more powerful together than we realized during those weeks we spent training to battle the Demon. And third, we want to be close to each other again.

With a little magic, Gareth and Luci made his cute castle on the hill suitable for all of us. We all have our own wings, but we’re close again, the way we need to stay. We want our girls to be close the way we were, and we feel safer now that we know there are threats out there.

“You’re beautiful when you make a mess of yourself,” Mayhem teases as he walks me away from the others. I am most at peace in the woods, in nature, where my spirit is always rejuvenated.