“You what?” She sits up. “I didn’t catch all that.”
“He challenged me,” I defend.
“And you accepted?” she screeches.
“I didn’t have a choice.”
“Yes, you did.” She slides off the bed, crosses her arms, and glares at me. “You promised, Killian.”
“I kept my promise.” I get to my feet as well. “But after what he said, what he did, what he threatened… No, I wasn’t going to back down.”
“What did he threaten?” Her arms drop to her sides as she steps closer.
“It doesn’t matter. What does is that when he loses, he leaves. Cancels the contract, no harm to us.”
“And if you lose?”
“I won’t.”
“Killian,” she scolds.
“I never accepted his terms.”
Her nostrils flare as she stares up at me.
“You aren’t property, Molly. You have to believe there’s not a single scenario where I’d ever agree or imply he could have you, if I lost.”
“Then why did you agree to fight him?”
“Because if I didn’t, he threatened to never leave you alone. That when I wasn’t looking, he would hurt you. I will never fight him over you, but you better fucking believe I will fight him for you.”
She collapses back onto the mattress. “You realize this is pointless? Win or lose tomorrow, you lose. He will destroy your name, your gym, and if he’s really that obsessed with me, he won’t just stop because he’s honoring an agreement you both made.”
“If there is the slightest chance thatwhenI win, he’ll tuck his tail between his legs and leave us alone, I’m taking it. Because if that doesn’t work, you aren’t going to be happy with the alternatives.”
“Do you think he’d actually leave?” she asks after pondering my point for a moment.
“He’d be an idiot not to.” At least that’s my hope. “A fighter’s ego is a delicate thing.”
“I’m not sure I can handle watching you lose tomorrow.”
“Then don’t.” I smile. “Watch me win.”
Last-Ditch Effort
Sippingmymorningcoffee,I stare down at my phone, tapping my nails on the counter as I contemplate what to do. Killian was up before the sun to meet Declan and Rusty. They’re getting warmed up and ready for tonight.
The gym is shut down for the day. I guess everyone is very excited about the fight—well, everyone but me. Not that I think Kill is particularly thrilled. Except there’s this twinkle in his eye that says he’s hungry for a fight and he’s been waiting for his chance to put Tony in his place.
Still, I wish I could stop this from happening.
There’s no reasoning with Tony or Killian. I’m sure Tony has been dying to try to stick it to Killian since he’s been here or at least since he learned we were dating. Why he wants me, I don’t understand. If you asked him, I was a lousy lay. The only thing I was good for, and I quote, was “sitting pretty on my knees so he could fuck my face.”
I shiver at the unwelcomed memory.
The point is, after he became Tony, he never seemed happy with me. So why go through all this trouble? Is it really as simple as Killian said? That it’s not about me but about how I rejected him? Basically, he wants what he can’t have, appreciates what he lost.