After tonight, this won’t matter. Sean will know—he won’t be happy—but he will know. Then I can kick the douche’s ass for laying hisanythingon my girl.
“I need to get back to work.” Molly doesn’t spare me a glance before she turns and walks away.
Tony tilts his head, watching her ass while she walks away. My fists clench, itching to put the first notch in his straight nose. Instead, I do the only thing I can. “Time to get back to work. I wanna see how you spar.”
I’m pumped, eager to get into the ring with Tony. Not that I don’t get a certain level of excitement each time I step into the square, even if it’s just to train. But now I have an excuse to hit the asshat and get away with it. It’s unfortunate we’re saddled with all this padding, so I won’t get to hurt him the way I’d like.
Tony is decent during our session. Although I take a few cheap shots, for the most part, I remain professional. I hate to admit it, but I agree. The kid has some skill. And with any luck, after tonight, he’ll learn that Molly is mine and to keep his greasy hands off her. Then we won’t have a problem.
After we’re done, I send him to the showers to get cleaned up. I detour to Molly’s office. She looks up from her computer when I sneak in and shut the door behind me. Her shoulders sag with relief as she realizes it’s just me.
“Everything okay?” I ask.
“Yeah, fine.” Her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes, and if I didn’t know any better, her face seems blotchy… like she’s been crying.
“Molly.” I squat in front of her. “What happened?”
She shakes her head. “Nothing.”
“This doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Really, Killian, I’m okay.” She tries to smile again. “There were just a few posts that didn’t go over well. I didn’t mean to get so upset.”
“Okay.” I don’t buy it, but I know better than to keep pushing. “Are you ready for tonight? It killed me not having you there with me.”
Molly looks away. “Do you think we could postpone?”
“Why? I thought we agreed not to hide it. Unless you’re second-guessing us?” My heart stops beating as I await her reply, for her to tell me I’m wrong.
Is she really like the rest?Just wanted the fun of saying she fucked Killian? Rode the goddamn rainbow?No, that’s not her—it can’t be.
“What? No.” She takes my hand. “No way. I’m just exhausted. I didn’t get much rest this weekend.” She smiles a little brighter this time. “It’s been kind of a shit day and I don’t want to deal with Sean’s reaction. Besides, I can tell he’s wound up with this contract. Maybe ambushing him with our news when he just got home isn’t the best approach.”
I breathe easy, relieved that she isn’t stopping this now that it’s started. “Okay,” I agree. “Telling him in another week or two won’t make much difference.”
She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer. “Besides, the thought of sneaking around kind of turns me on.”
“Is that right?” I grumble, lifting her from her chair and setting her ass on the desk.
Molly tugs at my shirt while I devour her. Her hands are on my shorts, pushing them down. She freezes when we hear Tony talking in the distance. I can’t make out what he’s saying; it’s muffled by the door.
“It’s okay.” I resume kissing her. “It’s locked and we can be quiet.”
She lays her hands on my chest and pushes me back. “How about we pick this up later? I’ve got a lot of work to do before I leave.”
“I’ll call you. I really am tired, and it would be nice to get some rest.”
I take a step back. While her request seems simple enough, it guts me. If she wanted torest, unwind, why wouldn’t she want to do that with me? For the most part, that’s what we’ve done this past week.
“I need to hit the showers.”
“Killian,” Molly calls out. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize.” I leave, worried if I stick around any longer, a conversation I don’t want to have is going to start.
How is it that just twenty-four hours ago we were in my bed, happy, incapable of keeping our hands off each other? And now…I think I’m being dumped.