Page 47 of Last Round

“Thanks.” The wheels in my head turn as I think about the things Molly might like.

Declan glances at the clock. “Shit, Luke should be here. We gotta get ready. One week.”

“That’s perfect,” I say, grabbing my phone.

“He’s nervous, but I think he’s going to—oh, never mind. You weren’t talking about Luke.”

“That too.” I text away.

“Oh, Kill, by the way.”

I look up as Declan lingers in my doorway.

“I think you’re making the right move. He’s going to kill you—no matter how it goes down. But I think taking her on a proper date first is a smart move. Sean might take mercy on you and make it a quick death.”

I flip him off and hear his laughter echo down the hall.

As I stare at my phone, I pray she says yes. Technically she isn’t an employee, but when we desperately needed an extra waitress for a few nights, Letty recommended her to me. She goes to college in the cities and waits tables at her bar in Tral Lake when she’s off for the summer. Anyway, Letty told me she’s always looking for extra work. She graduated a couple of months ago, but when I last saw her, she said she’s always down for the extra cash (student loans and all).

Killian: Any chance you could cover a shift tomorrow night? I’d owe you. BIG TIME!

Kat: How BIG are we talking? (wink emoji)

Killian: Name your price.

Kat: Pretend to be my hunky and super beefy boyfriend for a work party?

Killian: Do I even want to know?

Kat: My new boss and I didn’t exactly get off on the right foot.

Killian: Want me to kick his ass?

Kat: No, not that kind of foot. Well, how about it? Want to be my man candy? I put out.

Killian: Sorry, Kitty Kat, I’m taken.

Kat: You can say no. Don’t need to lie to me.

Killian: No lie.

Kat: Who’s the lucky lady who’s tamed the beast?

Killian: If you need some man candy, I have a gym full of guys who fit that bill. They might not be as hunky as yours truly. But I can get someone to pretend to date you for the night.

Kat: Extra beefy please and you have a deal.

Killian: Send me the details and he’ll be there.

A Dream Come True


“Areyougoingtotell me where we’re going?” I ask again. Killian laces my fingers with his and places them onto the shifter as we cruise along 494.

“Nope.” He pops the P. “It’s a surprise.”

“I’m not sure anything can surprise me more than your car.”