Page 43 of Last Round

“It’s a date.” She presses a long kiss to my lips and then takes a step back. “A parting gift for you to think about tonight, while you try to reason with that thing.” She points at my groin. “Goodnight,” she tosses over her shoulder as she shoves her arms back through her sleeves.

“Where are you going?” I rub my neck, feeling hot and not in the sexy way.

“Home,” she says, as though that was obvious. I guess it was. But clearly, with the events of tonight, she’s not thinking straight.

“I’m not letting you walk home alone. Not at three in the morning. And especially not in a storm.” I grab my wet shirt, wring it out, and throw it over my head. “Come on, I’ll walk you.” Except for Dani, because she’d cut our balls off otherwise, we’d never let any of the female staff walk out of here, alone, at night. We either escort them to their cars or home, or whatever they need. That, or we enforce the buddy system. She’s crazy to think that’d change now.

“Killian, it’s fine. It’s only a few blocks. Plus, my house is in the opposite direction.”

“Molly.” I brace myself on the doorframe, stopping her from leaving. “I’m walking you home.”

She bites her bottom lip. “Okay.”

Keeping Perspective


“Youshouldcomein,”I say through our kiss, my back pressed against the front door.

Killian’s hand slides down to grip my ass. He squeezes firmly and bites my bottom lip. “I can’t,” he says again.

“I promise to behave,” I lie because the second the door shuts, I’m going to show him just how much I’ve changed.

“I don’t.”

I lift my leg, hitch it around his hip, and grind against his rock-hard cock, hating myself for not wearing a skirt today. “Who says you need to?” I’m counting on him to be his usual filthy self.

“You’re such a little temptress, firecracker.” He shoves his tongue down my throat one last time, imprinting himself there, before breaking apart and taking three steps back—away from the safety of my porch awning and into the direct downpour.

“No fair.” I cross my arms and pout.

“Goodnight.” He stands there and points to my house, waiting for me to go inside.

“Fine, you big dork. Goodnight.” As much as I hate to do it, I rush inside before I tackle him to the mud and see how adamant he is about this date. I slouch against the wooden panel, my fingers hovering above my still-tingling lips.

God, I didn’t think kissing him, anyone, could ever feel this good.

“Wake up!” Bex hollers. I’m not only jostled awake by the sound, but she’s also standing above me with a foot on each side of my body before she jumps.

“Go away,” I groan and move the pillow from under my head to shield my face from the offending sunlight. If I feel hungover after just kissing the man, I’m going to be wrecked when we finally go all the way. I let out an audible “oomph” as she plops down on my stomach, stabbing me with her bony ass.

Bex snatches my pillow and throws it across the room. “No way, bitch. You can’t send me a text like this.” She shoves her phone in my face—the message I sent her last night is pulled up on the screen. It’s just a string of emojis: kissing, mind-blown, explosion, dead. “And expect me to wait for an explanation. You’re lucky I let you sleep this long.”

“How’d you get in here?” I grumble.

“Spare key under that scary-ass gnome.” She shakes her head. “Stop distracting me. I need to know what this means.”

I slap the cell from her hands when she shoves it into my face again. “It seems pretty self-explanatory.”

“Olly!” she screams, grabs my shoulders, and shakes me. “TELL ME!”

“Fine, but get off me. I really need to pee.”

She’s positioned just right so that if she jumps again, I might piss the bed.

“Nope, not letting you up until I get every last scandalous detail. Leave nothing out. I want measurements, texture, duration, quality… I want to be able to close my eyes and feel like it was me.” She demonstrates the gesture while angling her head to the ceiling as she waits for me to continue.

“We kissed.” My face warms at the memory.