Page 30 of Last Round

Removing what evidence I can of my crying, I turn around.Maybe I heard him wrong?

Killian rubs the back of his neck as he looks down at the floor. If I didn’t know him better, I’d think he might be…shy.

No, not Kill…

“You want me to stay?” I clarify, because it’s the last thing I was expecting.

“Yeah, we could order some takeout, watch a movie—you know, hang out.” He shrugs.

“Hang out?” I parrot, as though it’s a foreign concept. Ten years ago, this would have been totally normal. But since I’ve been back, it’s the last thing I ever expected from him.

“Like the old days.” His eyes lock with mine.

I bite my lip as I contemplate. I’m not even sure why I’m hesitating. It’s stupid, considering the pursuit I’ve been on. “Okay.”

His face brightens with a giant smile. “Okay… One thing first,” Killian says and then runs down the hall. He comes back seconds later with a pair of sweatpants. “You need to put these on.”

“What? Why?”

“Just for tonight, let’s call a truce.”

“A truce.” I laugh.

“Yes.” He steps closer and I have to crane my neck to look up at him. “I know what you’ve been doing.” He plays with a loose strand of my hair. “I’ve taken several blows to the skull and I’m sure that’s had some long-lasting effects, but I’d have to be a complete idiot not to notice.”

I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. Gratification awakens the pesky butterflies that took up permanent residence inside me the day I realized I had a crush on Killian Murphy.

He’s noticed. It’s not all in my head.

While a devilish version of Bex is propped on my shoulder, telling me he’s circling, one more blow and he’s out, mine for the taking. A youthful voice in the back of my mind says: “Not like this.”

He’s… vulnerable. If I win like this, it feels like cheating. When I win, I want to be the undisputed champion—no contest.

I take and inspect the sweatpants. “These aren’t going to fit me.”

“They have a drawstring,” he says, as if that fixes everything.

“You realize you’re like a foot taller than me,” I grumble while shoving my feet through the pant legs.

“See?” He chuckles. “Like a glove.”

“Shut up.” I push him back as I hold the waistband and walk to the couch. “You order food. I’ll pick the movie.”

“Golden Chow Mein?”

“They’re still around? I haven’t had them in forever.”

He already has the phone to his ear. “Usual?” he asks, and I can hear the faint ring.

“Yes, please.” I say while skipping through his streaming services. He stands at the kitchen counter, placing the order. “Don’t skimp on the egg rolls.”

For a moment, as he looks at me, it’s like the weight of the past few years has been removed from his shoulders. “Extra egg rolls, please.”

A Gentleman’s Agreement


Thismorningisthefirst time in a long time—fuck, in as long as I can remember—that I wake up feeling…refreshed. Like it was the first good night’s sleep I’ve ever had. I guess Sean was right, and I needed a break. That, or Luke’s lucky punch knocked a few screws loose…