Page 24 of Last Round

“How so?” Bex scoots closer.

Staring out my window, as if looking for some answer from the universe, I squeeze Mr. Snuggles tighter. “It was like I didn’t exist. And nothing like how he basically pretended Jessica wasn’t there. He just refused to speak to her. Except, whenever she made a shit comment about the chicken being dry or the salad being soggy, Killian went in for seconds and thirds, making obscenely sexual sounds about how delicious the dinner was. Which made her shut up—thank god.For a moment, I thought things were okay, because he seemednormal.But he wouldn’t look at me, even when I spoke to him. He kept his eyes trained on Sean or the food. Then, whenever he did respond to me, which was sparingly, it was like he was talking to the wall.” I wipe away a pesky tear that rolls down my cheek. “If it weren’t for Sean and Jessica going on and on about their horrific wedding plans, the awkward silence brewing between Kill and me would have suffocated us all.”

“Don’t go there.” Bex gets right in my face. “Stop shutting down.”

“I need to let it go.” I’m deaf to whatever encouragement she offers. It’s time for me to put my foot down. Someone’s going to get hurt.I’mgoing to get hurt.

“No.” Bex forces me to stare into her large brown eyes. “He’s almost there. This is Killian. He’s a fighter, a champion. You’ve been working him over and wearing him down. Now, all you need to do is deliver the final strike.”

Sniffling, I wipe the moisture from my cheeks and smile at my best friend. “When did you start watching fights?” Growing up, she hated going to any of the matches with me. Talked about how barbaric it was. Clearly, that twinkle in her eye says she’s gotten over whatever used to hold her back.

“Ever since I started working out at the gym.” She bites her bottom lip.

“You work out at Full KOntact?” My jaw drops. Not that I thought it was exactly a boy club. It’s a gym for fighters, not Planet Fitness—Bex isn’t about to jump in the ring and throw punches at someone.

“Yeah, for a couple of years now.”

My heart squeezes. She’s my best friend and I’ve missed this major change in her life. I also underestimated my brother. “I thought they just trained fighters.”

“Some utterly scrumdiddlyumptious ones.” Bex looks off with lustful dreams in her eyes. Shaking her head, she gets back to the point. “But they do more than that. A few years ago, Dani asked Killian for some lessons. That eventually turned into a free self-defense course, which later evolved into an open gym.”

“Killian offers a free self-defense course?” It shouldn’t surprise me. Back in the day, I heard stories about him and Sean. And, depending on your point of view, unflattering ones. My surprise has less to do with the class and more to do with this warm fluttering in my chest. Because despite the weirdness, deep down, he’s still Killian. When I left, he seemed so… empty. Seeing how he is now, I assumed he’d grown out of things like that.

“Well, Dani teaches it. Kill and Sean did at first, but some women weren’t comfortable having men around. Monday night is officiallyladies night.” Bex does a little dance with her hands like she’s at the club.

“Ladies night?” I chuckle.

Bex rolls her eyes. “Yeah, no dicks allowed. The girls get the entire gym to themselves.”

“Let me guess, youwork outon the other nights?” Knowing my bestie like I do, I also know that feasting on the shirtless guys is her main reason for going there versus a more practical location with standard equipment.

A mischievous grin spreads across her face. “How else am I supposed to ogle a bunch of delicious fighter candy in their natural habitat? Seriously, it’s everything spank banks are made of. Sweaty, half-naked…oh-my-gawdthe grunting… the stamina some of these men have. Then watching them fight, especially when they get tangled up on the ground. It gives a girl a few ideas.” Bex sucks on her bottom lip, lost to her fantasy. “You should totally start working out with me. Killian won’t be able to resist you in one of those skintight workout outfits while you build up a sweat.”

A wicked thought sparks in my mind. “I can do one better.”

Bex lies on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows. Her face cradled in her hands, she gazes at me like I’m about to tell a thrilling tale. “Tell me more,” she singsongs.

“What’s better than simply getting my sweat on at the gym?”

“Getting fucked on the various equipment. I’ve got this fantasy about being spread eagle on one of the adjustable benches.” She closes her eyes and savors it. “Even better if he ties my ankles to the overhead bar, using jump rope or something on hand. My wrists too.God,then he fucks me without mercy, challenging me to tap out.”

“Do you even work out or just scope out all the places you want to be screwed?”

“Both,” she admits with zero shame. “Seriously, Molly, don’t pretend that watching these guys train doesn’t give you a tingle down under. Be honest now. How many times did you watch Kill get all hot and sweaty as he beat that giant bag in your garage? Admit it. How many times did you rub your nub afterwards? Besides, considering your ex, you’ve clearly got a type.” Bex winces. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to bring uphe who shall not be named.”

Inhaling deeply, I fill my lungs with all the negativity the mere mention ofhiminvokes, and release it with a long exhale. “It’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” Bex sits upright and crawls closer. “You never really said what happened. I can break into your brother’s liquor cabinet like the old days, and you can tell me all about it while we get stupid drunk.”

I smile at her. “Thank you. But, no. I’d rather forget about that whole part of my life.”

Bex halts whatever she was going to say and swallows it down. “Okay, then, what’s your grand plan?”

My body relaxes as she reverts to a much more pleasant topic. I snatch my phone off the nightstand and shoot Sean a text. This will kill two birds with one stone. A sign of good faith for my brother, since things have been rocky between me and his bitchy fiancée. He’s been stuck in the middle of our pissing matches. The stress seems to have aged him these past couple of weeks. I feel bad because he’s doing me a favor by giving me a place to crash and a job. So I hate making his life harder. Granted, it’s all his fault and my actions have been totally justified. Because if he just pulled his head out of his ass for one damn second, he’d see what a total cunt she is and how right I am.

But none of that matters. The point is this will put me in an ideal position to make Killian seeme.Molly. And not Sean’slittle sister.
