Bex: It’s only been a week.
Me: A painful one… I’m done.
Me: Operation Drive Killian Crazy was a massive failure. I told you he doesn’t see me that way. I thought for a second maybe he was. That was until he was shoving his tongue down some bride’s throat.
Bex: He what???
Bex: Wait, I’m not that surprised. This is Killian. He’s a fighter.
Bex: You need to give him a nudge.
Me: No, I can’t take this anymore. Let me just accept defeat and go back to wearing shoes that don’t make my toes numb.
Bex: Please, just one more thing.
Me: I don’t know. I love you and know this is how you make your living. But I think you’ve met your match.
Bex: Think, sweetie. It’s just like your marketing. To attract the client you want, sometimes you need to tease them. Show that you have other prospects, that you’re in high demand.
Me: What marketing school did you go to? Doesn’t matter. I’m not fucking someone just to get Killian’s attention.
Bex: No, he just needs to see that others want to fuck you and that you wouldn’t be opposed to fucking them…
Me: You want me to flirt with someone?
Bex: Exactly. I was there last night. You have an audience drooling over you. It won’t be hard to fluff up one of their egos.
Me: This is a bad idea.
Bex: What’s the worst that could happen?
Me: I don’t know. I’d hate to lead some poor guy on. Create an awkward customer for me to deal with in the future. Oh, and still not get Killian’s attention. BECAUSE HE DOESN’T WANT ME.
Bex: You’re wrong. Just do it. Pick a guy you wouldn’t actually mind going out with. That way, at least it isn’t all for nothing. If this doesn’t work, which it totally will, I’ll back off.
Me: Promise?
Bex: Pinky promise.
Ituckmyphoneaway and adjust my appearance in the mirror. “Great, Molly, you look like shit,” I mumble to myself, dabbing at my smeared eyeliner.
Growing up, let’s just say my sense of style was absent. Verytomboy-chicwith minimal effort. I expanded my horizons during my time in New York. I didn’t go fullCluelesswith it like Cher did with Tai. I started small. Like letting my hair grow out. Wearing light makeup. Not too much, just enough to give me a glow and tame down the freckles that litter my face. Clear, glossy lips with black-lined eyes became my new normal. My baggy t-shirts got traded in for tight tank tops and jeans that highlighted my ass, because I’m not ashamed to admit it’s my best feature. Still, I never went overboard.
This,however, is off the deep end. I don’t even recognize myself anymore.
I want Killian to noticeme. I’ve been trying to emulate the kinds of girls he usually hooks up with,like the one he was just kissing. Today was a painful reminder that nothing can change the fact I’m still Sean’s little sister. The same one who spilled Mr. Pibb on her yellow stretch pants, making it look like she peed herself, and whose brother called herMr. Pee Pantsall weekend. Or how I used to wear headgear every night before bed and constantly got food stuck in my braces.
Killian witnessed countless mortifying moments of my life. The ones any girl would want to hide from a prospective boyfriend. He doesn’t need the embarrassing photo album to look through because he was there for it all.
Taking a paper towel from the dispenser, I dampen it. I’m going to need an industrial cleaner to get the caked-on makeup off. But I do the best I can to wipe it away. There is nothing I can do about the racoon eyes—I refuse to say they turned out smokey. But at least I’m a little closer to normal. I tie up my wild curls in the scrunchie I keep on my wrist in case of an emergency, and my body immediately cools down.
I love Bex, but she hasno ideawhat it’s like. She’s always been pretty and perfect. I’m convinced she’s never even had a zit. She’s that girl who can take a gorgeous selfie and hashtag itwoke up this wayand it would be legit. No filters. Nothing. She’s flawless with her golden locks that, believe it or not, are natural with low and high lights. She has those warm honey eyes that captivate whoever is caught in their crosshairs. No one has ever told her no, or ignored her, passed her over,called her one of the guys.
Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about my clothes. But I only have a couple of hours left on my shift. Then I can hurry home and remove the last layers of this clown costume.
“You can do this.” I give my reflection a pep talk. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my spine and try not to look as miserable as I feel. Thank god Sean is going to stay at Jessica’s tonight. I’ll have the house to myself and can drown my sorrows in peace.
It’s packed in here. At this hour, most of the bar patrons are done with food and are focused on drinking and dancing. Still, there are a few customers lounging at the tables.