Page 9 of Last Round

But, nope. Not my big bro. He takes his new-hire orientation to a whole other level. I’m starting to think this was all a setup, special torment just for me. I’m on hour five of these ridiculous safety videos and ready for a drink… or eight. Maybe that’s the point? To bore you into becoming an alcoholic and lifelong paying customer.

“This is my favorite part.” Dani cranks up the TV as the guy gives several examples of sexual harassment. If it weren’t for her sitting back here while on break, I might have gone insane. “Pretty sure Killian violated this one twenty minutes ago when he told Chels that her pregnancy tits are plumping up nicely.”

I bite my inner cheek. Another disadvantage of having to work with someone you want, but won’t ever have, is being forced to witness him want everyone around you. Even a six-month pregnant waitress.

“Instead of paying all these actors, they should just follow Killian around for a day with a disclosure at the bottom that says:don’t do this,” I grumble, hoping my hurt is masked enough to appear as a joke, instead of the jealousy that’s burning in my chest.

Thankfully, Dani laughs before she shovels an overloaded nacho into her mouth.

“I can’t believe Sean actually makes everyone watch these,” I change the subject. Nothing against my brother… I just never assumed he treated this like a proper business. From what he told me, it sounded like a bunch of friends who drank and hung out all day.

“I love our annual employee training sessions. Sean will order up several pies and hoagies from Hot City.”

Now,thatsounds more like him. I couldn’t see him as some uptight rule-follower.

“Oh, and then we make up a few drinking games. Like this one…” Her statement is cut off by chuckling as she folds in half. “Oh my god.” She wipes a tear from her eye. “Do you know what? Never mind, I’ll let you find out for yourself. So much better when you go in blind.”

“Looking forward to it.” I don’t bother mentioning I probably won’t be here long. This is just temporary while I figure out what to do with my life moving forward.

Dani pulls out her phone to check the time. “Ugh, better get out there.” She shoves a couple more bites into her mouth before chugging down the last dregs of her beer. “The evening crowd will be here soon, and I can’t trust those two dumbasses to make the drinks by themselves.”

“Thanks for hanging out with me.”

“Absolutely, I’m so excited you’re home.” She taps her chin. “Maybe we should plan a night like the old days?”

I arch a brow at her. “You mean the old days, as in when you were stuck babysitting me?”

“You weren’t a baby. But, yes, exactly like that. We can order up some pizza, pop in a Disney movie.” She jumps up excitedly. “Oh, I can paint your nails, and if I look hard enough, I bet I can find a tube of that cucumber face peel stuff.”

I shiver at the memory. “The stuff that tore out all your peach fuzz?”

“Yup, made it as smooth as a baby’s bottom when you were done though.”

Shaking my head, I chuckle. “Sounds like a date.” I loved when Dani would watch me. If it weren’t for her, I’m not sure I’d know anything about being a girl.

Alone again, I try to stomach the rest of the video. But without Dani here to lighten the mood, it’s difficult to get past the bullshit. Truth is, managers could make their staff watch hundreds of these videos every month. However, at the end of the day, none of it matters.

“Oh, shit. Sorry,” Killian states, scaring the crap out of me.

Shocked, I sit straight in my chair with a hand resting on my pounding heart. With the same urgency as if he just walked in on me in the bathroom, he turns on his heel to flee and runs smack-dab into the wall. Crossing my arms, I slouch back into my chair and try not to look at him.

Told you, Bex.

He’s so repulsed by my presence that he’s literally trying to Kool-Aid man himself through the wall to avoid me.

“Sean told me to sit here.” I’m not sure why I feel the need to justify my actions, as though sitting in this back room is forbidden and he just caught me doing something wrong. I wouldn’t doubt that he’s still kicking himself for the stupid mistake he made last night. He was drunk—I know that. He can’t honestly believe I took any of that flirting seriously.

From the corner of my eye, I glance at him. He stands with his back against the wall, like a wild animal that’s just been caged. Is it always going to be like this? It didn’t use to be. I mean, sure, I was a bit awkward at times. On my side of things, not his. There was a point when, on a semi-frequent daily basis, I was mortified and often praying my extremely fair complexion wouldn’t give my attraction away. But Killian was never on edge around me. Nothing like this. It kills me to admit it, but he always treated me just like a little sister.

The only thing worse than not being with him is having him act like I’m the plague or something.

He looks towards the ceiling and combs his fingers through his hair. “I forgot. Need straws.”

I glance over at the supply shelf and spot them right away. Given I’m officially an employee now, I grab the box and bring it to him. “Here,” I say, since he refuses to look at me.

Killian reaches out to take it. His large hands cover my grip. He tilts his head down and his magnificent blue eyes lock on mine.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…