I thought he got an unfortunate butluckyshot in when he struck Killian exactly where his skull is depressed. But as Tony throws his fist two more times in a row, both of which Killian blocks, I know deep down he’s doing it on purpose.
He’s trying to hurt him, or worse…
“Get him, Killian!” I yell. “Don’t let this asshole win.”
“Damn,” Bex comments. “You’re not usually this aggressive. I like it.”
Killian manages to press his heels into Tony’s chest and shove him back. And before the asshole can recover, Kill is on him again. His fists rain down on Tony’s head. Killian is overwhelming my ex with nonstop blows. He’s blocking some, but not enough.
Just as it looks like Tony is going to give up, the damn buzzer inconveniently goes off, signaling this round is over. It’s against the rules for me to get in the ring with him, but this isn’t a regulation fight, and even if it were, there would be no stopping me. As Killian sits in the corner, Declan is talking to him while one of the other guys is there putting salve on his eye and inspecting the wound. I push past the onlookers, step into the ring, and rush to Killian.
“It looks worse than it feels,” Killian defends the second he sees me. His one eye is practically swollen shut.
“We should call this,” Declan urges, and I agree.
“I’m fine,” Killian grumbles. “Just stop the bleeding. I’ll be fine.”
I kneel between his legs and take his face into my hands. “He’s aiming for your skull, Killian. He wants to murder you.”
“It won’t happen again,” he argues, his gaze laser focused on Tony.
“You can’t guarantee that,” I try to reason with him. But as he continues to stare past me, I know it’s pointless.
“How many fingers?” the medic asks.
“Four,” Killian says. There are three. The medic glances at Declan, leaving it to him to make a call. Declan looks to Killian, who finally turns to me. “I’ll be fine. Let me finish this,” Killian implores.
“God, you’re fucking ridiculous.” He winces as I press a kiss to his lips. “If you die in there, I’m going to kill you. Understand?”
He smiles. “If I live, can I go upstairs and ride the crimson tide?”
My face burns as the meaning sinks in, and it’s only made worse when Declan cracks up at Kill’s comment. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Killian chuckles when I push him back. The ref calls for the guys to get ready. I exit the ring and reclaim my spot in the crowd.
“Why are you blushing?” Bex asks.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
She rolls her eyes at me.
Tony and Killian are practically foaming at the mouth as they get into position. The atmosphere of this round is electric. Last time, Killian was patiently stalking his prey. Now they are going after each other. I’m sure there is some sort of tactic to it. But from my perspective, it looks like they are just throwing as many punches as they can and hoping one lands.
This doesn’t feel like any of Killian’s fights I’ve watched before.
My heart stops as Tony lands another strike. It isn’t quite near Kill’s eye. But it’s close enough to reopen the wound. Killian staggers back and rests against the ropes. Tony corners him and continues his assault. Killian struggles to push back. Every time he does, he lets his guard down and Tony takes the opening.
I can’t breathe as I watch. Killian is slipping. I don’t want him to lose, but I don’t want him to get hurt either.
I look at the guy keeping time. It must be down to the final seconds because his eyes are frantic as his finger hovers over the buzzer. Before it goes off, I’m already rushing to the ring. Prepared to call this fight if Killian won’t. He can be mad at me all he wants. Mad is better than dead.
The sound signals the end of the round. I’m about to get into the ring but a strong arm stops me.
“What are you doing?” I ask Sean as I realize he’s the one holding me back. I look from him to Killian, whose eye is getting patched up as he argues with Declan. Tony is in his corner with a smug grin, talking with Rusty. The boys glare at each other from across the ring. “Shouldn’t you be coaching your fighter?” I try to push past Sean, but he won’t budge.
“What the fuck is going on?” he asks me.
“What do you think is going on? Tony is trying to kill him. Now let me go. Someone needs to stop this fight.” And clearly that has to be me. With how much testosterone is being thrown around right now, I can’t trust any of these guys to make the call.