Page 86 of Last Round

I bite my lip and nod.

“I’d be into that.” Killian grabs my legs, pulling me so that I fall back on the mattress again.

“What are you doing?” I ask. My laughter dies as he slides his fingers inside me.

“Practice makes perfect.” He flashes me a cocky grin.

“You’re insatiable, you know that?”

“For you.” He lines himself up with my entrance. “I’m always fucking hard.” My back arches from the bed as he slides in with one fast thrust. “Now, Molly, I’m going to fuck this pussy, fill her up with so much of my cum she’ll be dripping for days.”

My eyes roll to the back of my head as he proceeds to do just that.

The Challenge


“Idon’twanttogo,” I whisper, nuzzling into her neck.

Molly groans, stretching out her limbs beside me. She presses her ass into my morning wood. “You have to,” her sleep heavy voice says while her body expresses a much different desire.

After that fucking scene withIl Doucheand Molly’s explanation, I was ready to kill him. Okay, I still want the fucker dead—that hasn’t changed. But I wasn’t about to break my promise. So instead of acting on my urges, I spent the past two days buried inside my girl. Reminding myself of all the reasons I can’t go to jail.

I think she did that on purpose. The game oflet’s make a baby. It was hot and I enjoyed every damn second of it, but Molly knows me. If I wouldn’t have been so focused on her, I would have broken my promise, found, and killed Tony.

Unfortunately, the real world still exists. As much as I want to, we can’t stay holed up here forever.

Tugging Molly closer, I bury my face in her hair and take another hit of the jasmine scent. I don’t want to leave her. Except I have to go downstairs. I need to pretend that this asshole doesn’t deserve to have every limb ripped from his torso. Like he didn’t assault her. Because if I don’t, not only am I going to let everyone down, but I’m also going to disappoint her, and that is the last thing I ever want.

Which is why I’m going to have to leave the comfort of this bed, get dressed, go downstairs, and put on my game face. Train the jackass. Remind myself that in a few weeks he’ll be gone and out of our lives forever.

“Hey,” Molly says. She looks over her shoulder at me, her brows pulled together while she studies my face. “Are you okay?”


“You’re squeezing me.”

“Shit.” I let up. She turns in my hold and caresses my face. “I can’t do it,” I admit.

“You have to.”


“Killian,you have to.” She swallows hard. “I signed an NDA. If you say or do anything, they will destroy us.”

I tuck her red hair behind her ear. “They don’t need to know my motives. Besides, I didn’t sign shit. All I saw was some asshole cornering my girl in a dark hallway. No one would think twice about me killing him. If anything they’d be surprised I let him live this long.” I shrug.

“Please, I need you to let it go. I know I’m asking a lot of you and I’m sorry for that. It’s why I didn’t want you or anyone else to know. But we need to stay strong. He’ll be gone soon, and this will all be a distant nightmare.”

I stare into her green pools as I summon my strength. Last thing I want to do is hurt her, ever, but I don’t think I can do this. “What are your plans for the day?”

“Bex is free. We were going to run errands and she’s gonna help me look for a job.”

“Make sure she’s got her taser with her?” While Bex has learned to handle herself with the training she’s been getting at the gym, I know she usually carries one around as a precaution.

“Jesus, Killian.” Molly’s eyes go wide.

“Humor me, please.”