I brush the loose strands of Molly’s hair back. “What did she do now?”
“She told the truth.” She sniffles.
I run a hand through my hair, still damp from the quick shower I took before getting ready to leave tonight. “Okay, now I’m really confused.”
“She was a total cunt. But what hurts the most is the fact that she was right.”
“Right about what?” These back and forth riddles have my mind struggling to catch up. Jessica is always a bitch but being right about something? That’s one hell of a curveball.
“That I’ve never had to stand on my own. Sean, or you, have always taken care of me. Paid for my school, home, got me jobs.” Molly pushes to her feet and waves her arms. “Fuck, even now, here I am…ruiningyour night.”
“Molly, you haven’t ruined anything, okay?” When Declan mentioned a guys’ night out it sounded fun in the heat of the moment. But the second it sank in that it meant no Molly, it didn’t seem nearly as fun anymore. Probably why I’m running late. I’ve spent the past couple of hours trying to come up with an excuse that doesn’t make me sound nearly as codependent as I’ve become.
“Look at me,” she huffs.
I do. But I’m not sure what I’m supposed to see.
“I marched out of the house with my panties pulled up. Talking big about quitting my jobs and not living under his roof. Declared that I could make it on my own. But here I am, coming to you, like I always do.” A fresh string of tears rolls down her cheek. “I need to get a hotel.”
I grab her arm as she moves to the door. “Like hell you’re going to a hotel. Especially not like this. Take a seat and explain to me what happened.” I sit her ass back on the couch. She doesn’t move as I shoot off a quick text to Declan, letting him know my plans have changed, and grab us a couple of beers from the fridge.
Molly chugs most of hers down when I hand it to her before wiping the remnants from her lips. “She asked me if I had found a place yet, to move. I didn’t even know I was supposed to be looking. That steamrolled into her pointing out how you paid for my college—well, she actually gave Sean all the credit. But that’s not the point. The point was everything has always been paid for. My internship and eventually my job were both given to me because of my connection to you. Then, when that all went to shit, I came back home to my big bro, looking for him to fix it. He set me up in my old room and gave me not one, but two jobs.” Molly finishes off the rest of her beer. “I hate that she was right.”
“She’s not right,” I say through my clenched jaw. I’ve never once hit a female, never even thought of it. But if a genie showed up right now and granted me three wishes, my first would be to turn her into a man so I could kick her ass guilt-free.
“Killian, you’re sweet. But she was—”
“No.” I squat in front of Molly, positioning myself at eye level. “Sure, you didn’t have to get saddled with student debt and could focus on your studies since you didn’t need to work. But you’re the one who studied your ass off, made it to the top of your class.”
“You knew about that?” She sniffles.
“Of course, everyone did. Sean was so excited when you graduated with honors. For months, he told everyone within earshot. He probably would’ve hired a skywriter if I didn’t stop him. He was so proud of you—no,isproud of you. Sean didn’t want you to stick around here. He wanted you to go to school, get a chance to experience the world out there.”
She smiles.
“Fine, I might have given your name to The Fuel, but that was only one of the elements they considered for your internship. And the job offer? Yeah, I had nothing to do with that. It was all you, because of your performance. I don’t know what happened there or why you quit or got fired. And it doesn’t matter. I don’t think you’re weak for coming home to get your head straight. That was smart. Besides, who was paying your rent after you graduated? It wasn’t me.”
“I did,” she murmurs.
“That’s right.You did.You took full advantage of the opportunities you were given and flourished. Not to mention, New York City isn’t cheap. Hell, being able to afford rent there at all, you should be proud.”
“I had roommates.”
“Doesn’t matter, still proud.”
“You’re the smartest.”Kiss.“Most brilliant.”Kiss.“Strongest.”Kiss.“Woman I know.”
“Thank you,” she says against my lips. Molly rests her forehead on mine. “God, I can’t believe I came over here. Dumping all this on you. I’m so sorry. You should go. I’ll just take a shower and get some rest.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Killian,” she scolds. “Don’t make me that girlfriend who keeps you from your friends. Go out. Enjoy yourself. I’ll be here when you get home. Please don’t let me ruin your night.”
“I’m glad you did.” Her brows furrow, and I laugh and shake my head. “Sorry. What I mean is that you didn’t ruin it. Going sounded fun at first, but when I realized that meant I didn’t get to spend time with you, it didn’t seem as fun anymore. I’d much rather stay in with my sexy, redheaded firecracker. We can put on a movie that neither of us will watch.”
“Really, you think my snot covered face is sexy?”