Page 28 of Shadow Games

Tears started in her eyes, because it was so sweet, and so Wyatt. Yes, he had the determination and strength of heart to be a SEAL, but he also had the kindness and sweetness to love. Ken had never approached her so sweetly.

No, no comparing them. They were two completely different men.

With that in mind, she let go of her reservations and fears, because they’d been planted by a man that wasn’t here anymore.

Looking down her length, then back up again, Wyatt gave her a smile. “I recognized your behind when you came out that window. Is that TMI?”

Rowan could feel the blood sweep into her face. “Seriously?” she laughed.

“Yes, seriously. You have the most beautiful little tush. I know you’re self-conscious about it, but you’re beautiful. Stunning. And I would tell you that even if I wasn’t about to make love to you.”

She shook her head, trying to absorb his words. It was hard to accept after two-years of beratement. It was why she’d left. She couldn’t take it anymore. “Thank you. I’m trying to take the compliment as you mean it. Ken…”

“Fuck, Ken,” Wyatt snapped. “He’d been given everything all his life, and he had no appreciation for what he had, because he never had to work for it.”

Yes, that was very true. And she’d been a part of that demise, honestly. It was easier to go along with what he wanted than argue with him. She’d had to break away completely to finally get away.

“I know the entire reason we’re here is because of Ken, but I want to forget about him,” she told him firmly. “He fucked up both our lives. But we’re moving on. As soon as we can get this mess over with the better our lives will be.”


Wyatt cupped her head in his big hands, tilting her chin up. Then he began to nibble across her mouth, teasing her. Rowan tried to move, but his hands held her still, so she let him do what he wanted. It all felt good, so why not?

He kissed up her cheek, then above each eyebrow, and down her nose. It was ridiculous and sweet, and she loved it. Finally, his mouth settled on her own, and he kissed her like she’d been wanting him to do. He kissed her to make her forget the past three years. And he kissed her in promise for what was to come. Rowan loved it all, her head tilted for them to get as close as possible. Her teeth bumped his own at one point, and she drew back with a giggle. Then went back, gentler this time, appreciating the taste and feel of him.

When Wyatt reached down and cupped her ass in his palms, she tried not to freak out. He just wanted to touch what he’d wanted years ago. He kneaded her butt cheeks, running his hands down her hips and around, just feeling.

That was close enough for Rowan to feel what was happening with his body, as well. He’d gone magnificently, proudly, hard. There was no way to miss the erection that built as he fondled her ass. Rowan smiled, appreciating the obvious response, and snugged her hips to him.

His head tipping back, Wyatt groaned, pulling her tighter to him. “I think I could come just grinding into you like this,” he murmured.

A bolt of heat flooded through her at the visual. “Oh, Wyatt,” she whispered.

Her world spun as he leaned down and lifted her into his arms. “No,” she gasped. “Your shoulder.”

“I can’t even feel my shoulder right now, thanks to you. It’s fine.”

Wyatt carried her through the small cabin to the bedroom she’d chosen. It was a more feminine room, with a pale blue chenille bedspread and blue flowered sheets. She’d peeled back the corner when she’d made the bed, and now he pulled the covers back even more as he set her down on the mattress. It was late afternoon, and the setting sun cast everything in a golden glow. As he stripped off his t-shirt and sweatpants, the sun kissed his skin like Adonis, and Rowan felt her throat tighten with emotion. It was so trite, but true. The man was mouthwatering, and she looked him up and down. They deserved this time. They deserved to appreciate one another.

Leaning up, she stripped off her own t-shirt, followed by her bra. Then she shoved her jeans and panties down, kicked them away. As she settled back to the mattress, she caught Wyatt’s expression. He seemed without words. Reaching out, he very lightly traced a finger down her chest and to the point of her nipple. He blinked, several times, and she realized he seemed to be emotional as well.

“You are stunning,” he said, voice low. “That’s such a pale word for what you are, Rowan. You are a goddess. With the sun coming in this way, it looks like your skin is dusted with gold.”

She felt the appreciation he was giving her. It sank into her, and she smiled, shifting her legs. She loved that they were on the same wavelength with their thoughts. They each believed the other beautiful.

She held her arms up to him, and he came to her, very carefully settling his weight on her. One of her knees went to each side of his hips, and she cradled his hardness against her belly. “You’re not going to hurt me,” she whispered, squeezing him to her.

For a long moment, Wyatt stared down into her eyes. “It sounds stupid, but you make me want to be a better man.”

She drew back, frowning. “You can’t be a better man. You’re already an incredible man. Don’t be too good or I’ll never let you go.”

A smile flashed across his freshly shaved face. “Promise?”

She nodded. “I do.”

Wyatt kissed her, rocking his mouth back and forth to tease her. Then he started kissing his way down her body. Rowan shivered with sensation as he caressed her from top to bottom, chill bumps pebbling her skin. Then he shifted away for a moment, and she heard the tear of a condom wrapper.

Thank goodness he was thinking! She certainly wouldn’t have remembered.