Page 42 of Shadow Games

“I want us to be together, Wyatt. I’m not talking marriage or anything yet, but I want to be with you. I want to be able to enjoy life with you, the way it’s meant to be enjoyed. I haven’t had that for a long time.”

He understood what she meant. The last three years had been a struggle, mentally, physically, emotionally. It was time life gave them a break.

“We will be together. Not sure where yet, but we’ll figure it out. Maybe we can talk your dad into moving to a farm in rural Pennsylvania.”

Her green eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you, Wyatt.”

“And I love you, Rowan.”

* * *

“Chief Naval OfficerAdmiral Bradbury convened a special session of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Council and the Secretary of Defense to determine the path for SEAL Team Seven. It was determined that the entire command structure, from Commander Gillette on down, showed a complete lack of respect for the positions they held and a breakdown in leadership. They’ve been relieved of duty and taken into custody, pending further criminal investigation.”

Wyatt stared down at the phone. “Damn, Charlie. I expected them to move, but it’s only been two days.”

Rowan huffed out a laugh, smiling up at him.

“They cited pending danger to the public as to why they moved so fast. The command structure is a liability, and they wanted them out of there. You two did a fantastic job. They’re probably going to try to keep it quiet, but it will only be for a little while. Moving that many people will cause waves. And then if there are charges, well…”

He understood what she was telling them. They needed to be prepared.

For the past two days, they’d been holed up in the hotel room in Arlington. Twice they’d gone to the Pentagon to testify to different panels about everything that had gone on. Now, they were done.

Echo was ready to be released this afternoon, and it sounded like they were free to go as well.

“We’re good to go, then?” he asked to clarify.

“Yes, you are good to go. I know we didn’t settle on a price for your services, but I set you up with a little nest egg. Just in case you wanted to buy a farm in Pennsylvania or something.”

They both laughed, though it freaked Wyatt out a little. He wasn’t sure how Charlie had her fingers in so many pies, but it was a little off-putting. “Thanks, Charlie.”

“You are very welcome, Wyatt. Have a good life, kids.”

He hung up, shaking his head. “I might have to hug that woman if I ever figure out who she is.”

“Maybe if we invite her to a wedding…”

Wyatt’s brows popped up. “What happened to just being with me? And enjoying our time?”

Rowan snorted. “I wasn’t proposing, or anything. Just… saying…”

And that would be enough for him. For the moment.

His phone buzzed with a text message.Forgot to tell you, don’t be surprised if the Navy offers you restitution and a newly-vacant leadership job.

“Oh, hell,” he breathed, possibilities racing through his mind.

He showed Rowan the message and she cringed. “I don’t know. I feel like we’ve given the Navy a lot. We’ll have to talk about it.”

Yes, they would.


Wyatt swung the axe, splitting the oak log into two symmetrical halves. Then he began to split the halves into pieces. The big outdoor wood burner ate a lot of wood, and fall was breathing down their necks. Huffing with exertion, he paused, resting the axe head on the ground and leaning against the haft.

When he’d mentioned the farm in Pennsylvania, he’d kind of been joking. Rowan had taken the words more seriously, though. As soon as they left Arlington, he’d gone back to Cleveland with her. It had been tight in her apartment, but they’d made do for a while.

Then, one night while he’d been watching TV, she’d held her tablet in front of him. It was the listing of the Pennsylvania farm where they’d hidden out.