“Are you sure they’re going to be there?”
He shook his head as he loaded a spare mag for his Sig. “Not at all. I do know they’re in the area, and they’ll be watching for us. The Navy has some of the most advanced tracking equipment in the world, and their computers look for connections. They’ll probably be monitoring every airport in a 5-state area, looking for us to make a jump to DC. I’m trying to plan for every contingency.”
She nodded and went around the side of the truck to get herself set up. When she came back around, she’d shed his large flannel overshirt. She’d left the sweatshirt on, but she’d tried to tuck it in so it wasn’t as bulky around her body. Wyatt grinned as he caught the flash of green and gold around her neck. “Wonder how much that’s worth,” he murmured. “A stone that big had to be worth a few million.”
Her eyes widened and she looked a little green. She touched the necklace with her fingers, swallowing. Then she looked up at him. “If I die, at least I’ll be rich for a minute.”
Wyatt laughed and leaned toward her, dropping a kiss to her mouth. “I need a sugar-momma to take care of me.”
They laughed together, but he knew it was a way to ease tension. He could see how nervous she was. “Hey, why don’t you map us out path to the airfield.”
She nodded and returned to the passenger seat. Wyatt closed up the back, taking a deep breath. Most of the weapons had been moved to the floorboard behind his seat. It was more reachable than all the way in the back. He had his Sig in the shoulder holster and the spare in the small of his back, as well as the two knives.
He should have asked Charlie for ballistic vests for the two of them.
They wended down the old driveway. “I kinda liked this old place.”
Wyatt glanced at her as they pulled onto the road. “Maybe we can come back later.”
He looked at the address on the box. Hell, if they made it through this alive maybe he’d buy the property and give it to her as an engagement gift. The thought settled in and wouldn’t leave. Then he thought about today. There was a very real chance that they wouldn’t make it today. A sudden urgency filled him.
Checking there was no traffic behind him, he pulled off the side of the road. She looked at him in alarm, her head spinning to look behind them.
Wyatt reached out and cupped her face. “There’s no one behind us. I just needed to tell you something.”
She swiveled in the seat, her brows raised. “What?”
Wyatt smiled slightly. “I just wanted to tell you that getting to know you has been precious to me. I feel like we’re a bit like the star-crossed lovers, if you know what I mean. We crossed paths too early before. This time, good and bad, we’ve gotten to know each other, and I wouldn’t exchange this time for anything.” Leaning in, he kissed her, like he’d wanted to all morning. “Because I’ve recklessly and foolishly fallen in love with you.”
She gasped, though it shouldn’t have been a shock to her. She shook her head, but he stopped her movement with his hand. “Don’t tell me I haven’t. Don’t tell me it’s the wrong time. I know that and I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to go into this without telling you.”
Her eyes filled with tears and she looked down at her lap. “Hey,” he said, voice gruff, “I didn’t tell you this to make you cry. Today is not our last day. I swear to you. But we need to be prepared in case something happens.”
She nodded, looking up. “I know. I’m so scared, Wyatt. I mean, it’s one thing to go through this in your mind and make plans, but it’s completely different to actually do it.”
“I know,” he said, looking into her eyes. “But you need to understand that I am not leaving your side. We’ll get through this together, do you understand?”
“I do,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
He pressed a final kiss to her forehead, then sat back in his seat. Checking his mirrors he pulled out onto the road, trying not to be hurt that she hadn’t told him she loved him back.
* * *
Why didn’tI tell him I loved him?
Rowan stared out as the passing scenery sped by, her attention on her heart rather than what they were walking into.
At first, when he’d told her he was in love with her, her heart had rejoiced. To have a strong man like Wyatt profess his love to her was a heady thing. But Ken had done that too, and she was honest enough with herself to admit she was gun-shy. Ken had done everything he could do to get her into bed, then to get her to marry him, even to the point of getting her pregnant. The manipulation had been subtle, but relentless.
Wyatt wasn’t like that though. She didn’t think. Actually, if they could zoom back in time to the beginning of her marriage, she would have said the same thing about Ken. Other people had seen he wasn’t a good guy, but she’d followed her heart and gone all in.
So, did she follow her heart again and tell Wyatt she loved him as well? She wasn’t sure she trusted her judgement anymore.
Wyatt turned and asked her something, and she brought her focus around. “Sorry, what?”
“Are you ready? We’re only about two miles out.”
Nodding, she swallowed, mentally remembering where her gun was, and the spare mag, and the lock blade her dad had given her.