Page 34 of Shadow Games

Wyatt hit the mute button.

“Okay,” Rowan said quickly. “If they have the logbook, let’s swap and be done with it.”

Wyatt shook his head. “No. This is what you’re going to tell her.”

Rowan stared at him in shock as he told her his plan, then she began to smile. It was perfect.

“Rowan, you’re testing my patience,” Abuela said on the other end of the line.

Wyatt made a motion with his head and took her off mute.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Abuela, I had to confer with my guard.”

“Oh, yes, Mr. Thorn. He has been a thorn in my side and has also cost me a lot of money. It’s not cheap to train and sendsicariosall across the country, Mr. Thorn.”

“I’m sure it isn’t, Madam.”

She chortled on the other end of the line. “Madam, indeed.”

“This is what we want, Abuela,” Rowan continued. “We know how valuable this necklace is to you. These are our terms for the trade. Have your men meet us in two hours at this address.” She read off the address of the airport. “They will escort us to the plane, ensuring our safety. At the plane, they will hand over the logbook and we will hand over the necklace. Then we’re free to go on our respective ways, and we will have no further responsibility or obligation to each other.”

“Agreed,” Abuela said immediately. “Give the necklace to theteniente, Crúz. He will bring it back to me.”

Rowan had an attack of conscience. “In the interest of full disclosure, we have SEALs on our tail. There may be resistance to us getting on that plane.”

“Understood,” the woman said. “Thank you for being candid, Rowan. If this were another situation, perhaps we could have enjoyed a tea together.”

“Yes, I believe so, Abuela. Also, as part of our agreement to part respectfully, I will not inform authorities that you had Ken killed. I can understand why, but…”

Abuela laughed, interrupting her. “Oh, my dear. The family appreciates that, but we are not worried. We aren’t the ones who killed him.”

Rowan stared at the phone in shock even after the disconnecting click. Wyatt took it from her cold fingers. She blinked, her head swinging to him. “Do you think she’s telling the truth?”

Wyatt shrugged. “She was pretty forward with everything else. I don’t think she has any reason to lie.”

“So, it had to have been the SEAL team then, and whoever was pulling Ken’s strings. Or maybe he was pulling their strings if he was paying them large amounts of money to look away, or sign off on something.”

“That’s where my bet is laying. The logbook will tell us for sure.”

“What isteniente,” she asked.

“It means lieutenant of the cartel,” Wyatt told her. “He’s the one responsible for controlling the hitmen. They usually work from a distance, so the fact that he’s here means it’s big trouble.”

“Holy crap,” she said, running her hand through her hair. “What a mess.”


Wyatt checked the GPS. It was just after ten and they had to be at the airport by noon. They needed to leave within the next fifteen minutes.

Sliding out of the truck he circled to the back and lifted the hatch. When he went in, he wanted to be loaded for bear. Echo sat at his side. She’d seen him get ready like this before, and she knew they were probably going on an adventure, soon. Her tail wagged with excitement. Bending down, he snapped her vest on. He would have layered her in armor, if he could. He scratched between her dark ears, then thumped her side. She wiggled, anxious to be off. “In a minute, crazy girl.”

Rowan came around the side of the truck, and he was struck with her fresh-faced beauty. Her skin was pale, but her cheeks were ruddy with the chill of the day. Her eyes were as brilliant green as the stone wrapped in newspaper in her backpack. “I think you should put the necklace on for safe-keeping.”

Her reddish brows rose at the suggestion. “Really?”

“If we have to run you can drop your bag.”

She winced, not liking the idea. He knew she would balk at leaving her tablet and personal items behind. He’d been through this kind of thing before, though. The few pounds that a bag weighed could mean life or death if you were running for your life. “Put your important items in your pockets or bra. Leave your hands free, if possible, to carry a weapon.”