She turned and looked out the window, then she grabbed the photo envelope and started going through them again.
Devlin was very aware of her movements, just like he’d always been. When he’d first met her, he thought she was too hard. At the time, he’d been in the SEALs almost ten years, and he was kind of thinking about settling down. Or building a life outside of the Navy. The grind was wearing him down, and he knew there would be repercussions for the life he lived.
So, he’d started seriously looking at women, more as possible companions than bed buddies. Amberly had a strength to her he’d never seen in a woman before, and it had sparked something in him. Some need to meet her, head on. They’d had some of the most amazing fights, and even more amazing sex. She could spar with him as well as any of his teammates, and she gave him a run for his money when it came to shooting. The woman was sharp and confident, intellectual, and she made him want to be a better man. Amberly Temple had a love for her country that was quiet and unyielding, and she showed that love through her dedication to her job. She was the perfect overseas operative.
She also had aspects to her that she didn’t show many people. Like the soft, feminine side that loved him to oblivion. And the fun side that bought her nieces and nephews bubbles to blow outside on a freezing day. And the tomboy side that helped her father refurbish an old tractor.
All of those things together had made him fall so hard. Seeing her now, sitting beside him, he wondered if some higher power was at work, trying to get them back together. Or maybe it was getting them together to save lives. He didn’t know. All he did know was that he was still in love with his ex-wife.
“How are your mom and dad doing?”
Amberly glanced at him. “Fine. Dad’s showing a little more wear and tear, but Mom is the same as ever. Nothing slows her down.”
Dev snorted. “She’ll be going that speed til the day she dies.”
“Probably.” Amberly grinned. “Sloan and Peach had a miscarriage a while ago. They’ve been trying to have kids, and it’s not working.”
“Damn. I’m sorry.”
Sloan was Amberly’s younger brother by about five years. He and his high school sweetheart Priscilla, who everyone called Peach, made one of the most right couples Devlin had ever seen. It was like they were two halves of a whole. They complemented each other so well.
“Scarlett is going into fourth grade and Scout is in sixth grade now.”
“Wow,” he laughed. “It seems like days ago they were just babies, and Trista was fretting over everything. Remember when Scout was born, she wouldn’t let anyone in the house other than your mom? Because we were around criminals all day,” he shook his head. “And Rand backed her up on everything.”
“Well, he loved her. Still does. He’s making noises about another baby, but I don’t think Trista is going for it.”
“Well, she can be as stubborn as you,” Dev laughed, “so Rand might be in for a fight if he really wants it.”
They shared a smile, then Amberly seemed to realize what she was doing, and she turned away to look out the window. “They all missed you when you left,” she said softly.
Dev’s heart stuttered in his chest. “And I missed them,” he admitted, throat going tight.
And he had. The Temples had been more of a family to him than he ever could have hoped, and the thought of walking up to Tom Temple and trying to explain to the man why he’d betrayed his daughter had made him sick to his stomach. So, he’d avoided them altogether. Well, most of them.
“I don’t know how she got my address, but your mother sent me cookies and a card every Christmas,” he said softly.
Amberly gave him a sharp look. “Did she really?”
Dev nodded. “And a note on my birthday.”
“That sneaky woman,” Amberly said, shaking her head.
Dev had appreciated it more than he could say. Lana had been a true mother figure to him when he and Amberly had been together, and he missed her hugs more than he thought possible. The little woman was a powerhouse, and it was no wonder Amberly had turned out the way she had.
“So, where have you been?” Amberly asked.
Dev glanced at her. “Outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee.”
Her dark brows shot into her bangs. “Seriously? Tennessee?”
Smiling at her outraged gasp, Dev nodded. “Yup. Been there the past couple of years. The people are nice and the temperatures comfortable.”
She blinked at him. “And what do you do there?”
“I have my own private security company.”
“As in, a mercenary company?”