Page 53 of Shadow of the Moon


Dev looked at the amount of data around them, and he shook his head.

The inside of the cabin was lined with diagrams, maps, pictures of people- mostly politicians. He recognized several of the head honchos from Washington, and he didn’t watch the news much.

There was a long wooden table where it looked like Cole sat and ran his kingdom of paramilitary fanatics. The man had been like a modern day general, planning out who would go where, the exact time, what train line, what he would carry and who he was to target. He had also written down a master list of demands, meant to be implemented as the devastation began to spread.

Regent wanted to hold the safety of the politician’s families over their heads to have emergency measures passed, because he felt like his personal liberties as an American were being eroded away. And he found enough people that believed the same thing to rebel against the government and commit their lives for change. The men were going to be suicide bombers, and Amberly actually found a waiting list of people ready to take their place if something fell through or they backed out.

“My god,” he breathed.

The dedication was truly something. She’d never spoken to Cole Regent herself, just saw footage of him from years ago. Obviously, he had refined his pitch, because he went from being a one-man band to compelling hundreds to take part in his madness.

“This guy was something,” he said softly.

They were taking pictures of everything and forwarding them on. Hopefully, something in this shit pile would indicate where the charges were that Frank had planted. Because of the September 11th anniversary coming up, it was paramount that they find them.

Dev found the contact name for the Russians, and Amberly forwarded it on to Brown. Maybe he could track down their movements and contacts.

The sun was actually coming up behind them when they finally got ready to leave. The CIA team had arrived and were taking over, wading through piles upon piles of information and names. Amberly and Dev were going to hand carry what appeared to be the most pertinent evidence back to Langley, though it had all been thoroughly photographed.

The Sheriff’s team had dropped off the Jeep in front of the barn when they’d come down the mountain. Dev didn’t know how they’d gotten it down off that incline without rolling it. Whatever. He was happy to see it, since all their crap was still in it.

Dev didn’t know if he even wanted to go back to the D.C. area. After the whole SAC setup three years ago, he was less than thrilled with the thought of being back in Langley and on their home turf. He wanted to be there for Amberly, though.

He needed to ask her what she wanted to do. Actually, they needed to talk about several things.

Tiredness beat at him, though, and he knew they needed sleep. And shower. Eating would be nice.

If he could steal just a few hours of her time before they dove back into the craziness. There were still an unknown amount of explosive devices to be found. And reports to write. People to interview and talk to.

Technically, though, his job was done. It had been his responsibility to rescue Amberly and dispatch Regent, both of which had completed. In all honesty, he was looking forward to getting back to Tennessee. It had been nice to finish one last mission, but it was time for the younger kids to take over the dangerous stuff.

He glanced over at Amberly. “You okay, babe?”

There was a brittle look to her, like she’d reached the end of her energy and her emotions were near the surface. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just fried.”

“Yeah. Too much adrenalin for too long. We’re going to go crash for a while.”

“Okay,” she sighed, resting her head on the back of the seat.

Rather than a cheap motel, Dev pulled into one of the nicer looking tourist hotels in Bozeman. The woman at the registration desk didn’t know what to think when she saw them coming in. He was still in his blood-spattered gear, carrying Requiem in the case, along with his duffle. Amberly also had blood all over her, and a purpling knot on her forehead. They were quite the pair.

The woman took his card and assigned them a room, promising breakfast in the morning. They headed around the corner to the elevator. When they stepped off on the fourth floor, their room was just off to the right. Dev keyed the door and they slipped in, dropping bags and gear as they stripped down. Without even talking about it, they both headed to the big, walk-in shower. Dev adjusted the temp and waved her in, grabbing the little bottles of soap and shampoo from the vanity.

The hot water felt amazing, and they took turns basking under the stream. Pouring a dollop of shampoo into his hand, he motioned for Amberly to turn around. Then he lathered her hair, watching as dirt and blood and pine needles swirled down to the drain. It had been a messy business tonight.

They dried each other off with pristine white towels. Dev winced as he saw the remnants of blood from his thigh wound. It wasn’t deep, just long and awkward. Amberly painted it with antibiotic, then stretched a bandage along its length, taping it down. It felt weird to move.

“Let me see your head,” Dev murmured.

She turned and looked up at him, her eyes squinted with tiredness. The knot was purple, but not too bad. “I think you’ll be fine.”

Then, finally giving in, they climbed naked beneath the sheets. Dev settled her against his chest and wrapped an arm around her. “I love you, my heart.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered, and immediately fell asleep.

Amberly woketo Dev snoring softly in her ear. The sun was doing its best to break through the curtains, and she turned her head away, needing more sleep. Then she realized she had to pee. Sighing, she rolled out of bed, almost crying with pain, and padded to the bathroom. She did her business and paused in front of the mirror. Damn. It looked like she’d been in a brawl. Bruises decorated her from head to toe, and she knew it was from the beating they’d taken racing up the mountain in the Jeep. Then crashing the Jeep. Then crashing the Jeep again.