Page 11 of Shadow of the Moon


Dev knew that look. Amberly was so pissed right this minute. If he gave her some time under hot water, maybe she would cool off.

At least, that’s how it used to play out when he pissed her off when they were married. It seemed like that had been eons ago, though. There was a hardness to her that hadn’t been there before, and he could only feel responsible. More than once he’d tried to imagine being in her shoes after he’d left. It had to have been incredibly hard, dealing with the public and private backlash. Her dad would probably never forgive him, even if he did manage to take out Regent and save the country.

The pipes rattled in the bathroom, and he hoped she was relaxing. Moving to the door, he peered through the curtain at the window. The motel he’d chosen had been a little busy, next door to a bustling truck stop. It wasn’t cheap enough to rent by the hour, but it probably saw its fair share of nighttime business. Even as he watched, a woman in a super short, skintight pink dress walked across the parking lot, holding the arm of an older gentleman. Someone toward the corner of the building blared music pretty loud, and he had a feeling the cops patrolled through here fairly frequently. Once it quieted down a little, he’d swap plates on the truck and decide on a new mode of transportation.

A dark grey Dodge Charger rolled by, bass thumping, and he grinned. What better way to blend in than to look like a cop?

Amberly came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, wearing a white tank top and a pair of black athletic pants. Her short, dark hair was a cap against her head. It used to be long, and beautiful, curls down around her shoulders. “Why did you cut your hair?” he asked impulsively.

She didn’t even flick him a glance. “It was in my way.”

Rolling her dirty jeans and panties into a bundle, she stowed them in her backpack. Dev saw her arm was bleeding again. “Let me get that for you.” He retrieved the first aid kit from his own bag, and a washcloth from the bathroom. “Sit down.”

Dev knew he was pushing his luck. He could still feel the anger rolling off her, but she did as he asked, sinking to the side of her bed. “It probably needs a couple of stitches,” he told her softly.

“I know. Just do it.”

Dev had seen men in combat scream like little girls, but as he threaded the needle through Amberly’s ripped flesh, she never uttered a word or sound. Sweat beaded on her brow and rolled down the side of her face, and there was a tenseness to her, but those were the only reactions to what he was doing. He tried to be gentle, but no matter how gentle he was, there were a few stitches that had to go deep. She gasped once and turned her head away, panting raggedly. At one point, she swayed and he worried she was going to pass out, but she didn’t.

The woman had balls of steel.

After stitching and bandaging, he handed her a couple of antibiotic pills. They were his from a year ago when he’d sliced his hand open with a box knife, but he would share them with her. It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision to throw this little kit together, and he was very glad he had.

As soon as he was done cleaning her arm, she curled up on the bed and pulled a pillow over her head. Dev smiled, shaking his head. She’d always slept like that.

“I’m going to shower.”

There was a noise from beneath the pillow, but he knew she would be out by the time he returned.

Dev took a few extra minutes to soak his own body under the hot water. Maybe he needed to take his own dose of ibuprofen. He wasn’t used to running around like this anymore. He’d gotten used to his easy security job, and telling people what to do for him.

Cliff hadn’t been happy about being left in charge last minute. “I don’t know anything about the Allen contract.”

“I know,” Dev sighed. “But this is a family emergency.”

That had stunned his buddy. “I didn’t realize you had family. You’ve never talked about them.”

“Ex-wife,” he admitted. “She’s in a bit of trouble. I need to go help her out.”

“Okay, Dev, but this had better mean a raise.”

Devlin had laughed at the time, but Cliff was definitely worth his weight in gold. When he got back, they would talk about money.

After toweling off, he left the steamy bathroom. Amberly hadn’t moved. He hadn’t expected her to. It was a shock to the body to be shot, even in the arm, and it took a while to recover. Yes, it was just a flesh wound, but it would hurt like hellfire tomorrow when it started to heal.

Dev dressed in a change of clothes and sat at the table, opening his rifle case. The rifle, an SR 25 7.62 x 51, was a good rifle, comparable to what he’d carried in the SEALs. He’d had to turn his favorite rifle, Requiem, in when he’d left, and that had hurt the most. That weapon had saved so many lives, and he hoped whoever ended up with it used it with the same success he had.

After cleaning the rifle and tucking it away for its next use, he catnapped, handgun on his lap, just in case. They were probably safe enough here, but there was no way he was getting caught with his pants down, so to speak. A little after three a.m., he sauntered down the quiet walkway of the motel, scoping out vehicles. The Charger was his top choice, if it was still here in the morning. More than likely his truck had been picked up on cameras, and it was probably best he left it here. If they made it out alive, he could come get it later.

Pulling a multi-tool from his pocket, he swapped plates between his truck and another, similar truck. The models were off by a couple of years, but if a cop ran the plates, it would take them a while to figure out the mess. Then he headed back to the room.

He wasn’t surprised to be looking down Amberly’s gun barrel yet again as he let himself into the room. “It’s just me.”

“What are you doing? You almost ate a piece of lead. Again.”

He grinned at her. “So glad you aren’t inclined to shoot me now.”

She shook her rumpled head and tucked the weapon beneath her pillow. “You might be surprised how easy it would be,” she warned. Turning, she laid on the mattress again and curled up into the fetal position.

More than anything in the world, Dev wanted to lay down behind her and spoon her the way he used to. They had fit together so well…

Instead, he turned the chair to lean against the wall and rested his gun on his thigh. No one would be coming through this door tonight. Resting his head against the wall, he closed his eyes.