Page 63 of Embattled Return

“Thanks, John. I have one more situation to settle before I can make any big decisions.”

Logan’s gaze flicked to Marigold, then away. Shannon didn’t think the younger woman had even noticed the look, because she was looking down at the schedule on Shannon’s computer screen. It was obvious something was going on between the two of them, but she wasn’t sure if they wanted to acknowledge it.

She caught John’s gaze and he smiled, giving her a nod. Good. He could see it too.

“Do you need me today, Shannon?” Marigold asked.

“Um,” Shannon looked around. “No, there’s nothing extremely pressing. Duncan is in a meeting downtown.”

“Okay. I might drive Logan out to Boulder. Or,” she said, turning to look at him, “I can just loan you the car.”

Logan frowned. “I appreciate it, but I haven’t driven since I’ve been injured. Do you mind?”

“Nope,” Marigold said immediately.

Shannon smiled at the two of them. Had she and John been that careful with each other? Yeah. Probably.

“Well, maybe we’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

Marigold nodded, giving her a firm look. “Yes, ma’am. I know I haven’t been here much last week. I’ll be in.”

The two of them left, Marigold holding the doors open for Logan to get on. Once they were gone, Shannon looked at her husband. They both burst out laughing.

“Whether you meant to or not, babe, I think you made a match,” John told her, rolling close.

Shannon leaned over and dropped a kiss on his lips. “I think so too,” she snorted. “Not that it took long.”

John shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a length of time, per se. It’s whether or not the person makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.”

Shannon stared at him. “That’s very...perceptive, babe. I love you.”

“I love you, too. It also helps if you’re comfortable in their skin as well.” His dark eyes glinted with humor, and she shook her head.

“You’re always trying to get in my skin,” she laughed.

“Well, it’s beautiful skin. What can I say?”

Shannon cupped his face in her palms. “I love you, you horny bastard.”

Grinning, John reached out to stroke her ass. “It’s your fault I’m horny...”

Shannon drew back, giving him a teasing look, but he could tell by the shine in her eyes that she hoped something would happen between the two younger people. She was such a damn romantic. Just one of the many things he loved about her. “You know, if you want to have another baby, I’m up for it. Maybe we can hope for a little girl this time.”

Her eyes widened in her face, and she paled a little. “Another baby?”

John frowned, curious at her reaction. “Yeah, another baby. Like you said.”

She leaned her head forward, staring at him. “I love you, babe. When did I say I wanted another baby?”

“In your email when you told me your flight had been cancelled.”

Looking confused, she turned to her computer and pulled up her email. With a few clicks of the keys, she apparently found what she was looking for. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts as she read. “Damn,” she breathed. “I was a little toasty. I don’t even remember most of this. And look at this spelling. Holy crap...Oh, there it is...”

She glanced up at him guiltily. “I love you dearly,” she said again, “but there’s no way we’re having another baby right now. At least, not until the boys are a little older. I can’t take three kids in diapers at once.”

The thought made him ill, as well, and he sagged in relief. “Holy fuck, woman. You freaked me out when you wrote that,” he laughed.

Shannon shook her head, looking pained. “Don’t worry about it, babe. It was just the drunken ramblings of your tea-totaler wife,” she laughed. “Have you been stewing about that all week? We’ll have another baby, and I agree, a little girl would be adorable, but I’m not in a rush.”