Dragging in another heavy breath, Aiden nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just can’t shut off my brain, though, you know? And I don’t get any of my normal feelings when I’m with her.”
Ah, that was part of it. Aiden was known to be especially sensitive, and if he got one of his ‘gut feelings’, ninety-nine percent of the time it was right. If there was a wall there that he couldn’t break through, John could understand why he would be worried. “I think you’re spoiled,” he joked. “You’re so used to having the upper hand you’re not used to being normal.”
Wincing, Aiden gave him a smile. “Maybe a little,” he admitted. “Well, I’m going to tell my gorgeous sister-in-law that I’m heading out. I’ll text you when I make it home.”
“Thanks for that,” John told him seriously. “I like to know where my little brother is and that he’s okay.”
Aiden pushed to his feet, then leaned down and gave John a back-slapping hug. “See you, brother.”
John waved as Aiden stepped out of the office. He hadn’t been joking about knowing where he was and that he was okay. Now that he’d located his brother, he wanted to make sure that he stayed healthy and safe. Even the former prisoners could be a danger to him, but John had to have faith that Aiden knew what he was doing. He wasn’t a child. Hadn’t been for a long time.
Forcing his attention back to the screen, he started chasing possibilities. Within seconds, he latched onto a possibility. Thank you, Aiden, John thought, laughing to himself.
* * *
When John rolledout to Shannon’s desk almost two hours later, he was bursting with information. “I thought Logan was supposed to be here? I have news for him.”
Her vivid hazel eyes lit up. “Did you find his family?”
He gave her a nod and leaned in for a kiss. “I did. And even better, they’ve been looking for him.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, my gosh! He needs that. I don’t know a lot of his story but life has been crapping on him, bad. He needs hope and connection, and an anchor. He needs community, because I can tell he feels so alone.”
John nodded. That’s exactly what he’d gotten from the guy, too. “We can’t force it on him, but we can offer it. Even though I’ve found the family, he may not follow through on connecting.”
Shannon’s face fell. “That would be such a waste.”
John shrugged, not liking the thought either. “He has no one else so I hope he’ll latch onto this. Has he called or messaged you?”
She nodded. “Marigold messaged me. She’s helping him move his stuff into Grandma Nancy’s house.”
“Fucking Fudge,” he breathed. “It’s hard to tell when he’ll be here, then.”
Shannon gave him a narrow eyed look at the language. “Marigold promised she’d be here by noon to help me with a few things, and I’ll make sure she’ll give Logan a ride.”
John blinked, tilting his head. “Are they...”
Shannon shrugged, but he could tell by the shine in her eyes that she hoped something would happen between the two younger people. She was such a damn romantic. Just one of the many things he loved about her. “I love you, Shannon.”
“I love you too, babe,” she breathed, leaning forward for his kiss.
“Come on, you two. Don’t you have a house to do that?”
They looked up at Duncan standing in his office doorway. “Yes,” John said, “but it’s overrun with mouthy critters and it’s hard to get my wife alone.”
Duncan laughed. “They’re your critters. And if they’re mouthy I’m sure that’s your fault as well. ”
“I know,” John growled, pulling back from Shannon. “Hey, I’ve had a break on the Vance case.”
John explained about Aiden’s theory and the path it led him down.
“So, Aiden broke the case,” Duncan murmured, giving John a probing look over the top of his glasses.
John scowled. “No, he didn’t fucking break the case. He might have given me a little insight, but he didn’t break it.”
Duncan laughed, leaning against the door jamb. “Whatever you say, John.”
He looked at Shannon and remembered what she’d asked. “Hey, Dunc, any chance we need another investigator? Or an intern or something?”