Page 32 of Her Secret Wish

Chad grinned at her. “It may just be that easy. If he took her up there promising one thing and delivering another, she may be ready to head home.”

“This guy sounds pervy.”

Chad nodded. “I agree. We’ll have to play this by ear.”

Rachel shook her head. She really hoped the woman wasn’t gullible enough to fly two states away, meet a man who promised her the world in a bar on the Vegas strip and leave with him.

Chad aimed his considerable Texas charm at the lone woman manning the reception desk at Henderson Executive Airport. Within minutes he had learned that yes, they’d had helicopter charters to Mr. Wattman’s home and that he had been through two nights ago with a dark-haired young woman.

Rachel crossed her arms and wandered away to let him learn what he could and to try to get her nerves under control. She could hear Chad making arrangements for two to fly up there, and they were the only two of them here. They certainly weren’t going to drive back to the city to pick up Gabe.

The thought of flying in a helicopter made her sick to her stomach. Impulsively, she pulled out her phone. There was a text message there.

Just thinking about you…That was really nice, but she didn’t understand the camel emoticon afterwards.

What is that?

Within a few seconds her screen flashed.It’s a camel! Thought you might need one out there in the desert.

In spite of her worry, she smiled.You’re too funny! Thanks. I needed that.

What’s up??? Are you ok?

She sighed, debating whether or not to say anything.Yes. I’m ok. Might have to fly in a few.

Ohhhh…. Plane?


There was a long pause and she found herself clutching the phone, waiting, praying his words would galvanize her.

I have faith in you, babe. If a job needs to get done, you’ll be the one to do it, no matter what.

Then, in big block letters.I LOVE YOU. You CAN do this.

Tears blurred her vision as she looked at the conglomeration of letters that meant so much. TheI love youshould have been purple and flashing, because that was all she saw. And amazingly, it did ease her fear of the trip ahead.

“The charter will be here in ten minutes. Are you going to be okay on a chopper?”

She looked up at Chad standing beside her and simply nodded her head.

It wasn’t ideal, but she’d known this day would come at some point. Maybe it was better to have it just happen instead of a long build up and time spent planning and worrying.

When the Bell 427 landed on the pad out front, she was hugely reassured. The 427 was a proven combat machine and had been manufactured for years. And this one looked to be top of the line, shining black in the afternoon sun.

In spite of her fears, her heart sped with excitement. Every day for years, as she walked out onto the tarmac to her own ship, excitement had thrummed through her. It didn’t matter if she was hauling Marines or Humvees or porta-potties, if it meant she was going to be in the air, it made her happy. And it gave her purpose. She had been damn good at her job.

Chad rested a hand on her shoulder. “Take as much time as you need to.”

Damn it. She refused to cry in front of her boss. The two of them had gone through a lot together when they’d protected Lora and Mercy in Texas. She’d watched him fall in love with them and it had shown her anything was possible, even in the worst of circumstances. He was a really good friend now and understood that this was a huge step for her.

She nodded. “Give me a few, okay?”

With a wink he turned and exited to the helicopter pad, where the blades were slowly coming to rest. An older gentleman wearing a black ball cap met him at the side of the machine and shook his hand. They talked for a few minutes before Chad climbed into the passenger compartment. The pilot began a service check, leisurely going from one item to the next. In her mind, Rachel identified every item on her own checklist. Granted, the Super Stallion had been about ten times the size of this craft, but the mechanics and avionics were the same.

Rachel exited the terminal and headed across the pavement. She was Chad’s backup. She could do this. It was her job. She had to go.

The older gentleman looked up when she stopped a few feet away. Rachel realized he wore a service hat from Vietnam. “Did you fly in Vietnam, sir?”