Page 13 of Her Secret Wish

Grinning, Shannon nodded and returned to her desk.

Wilde rocked back in his chair and crossed his arms when she walked into his office. She tried not to limp too badly, but she could tell by his contemplative look that she hadn’t fooled him. “You’re moving under your own power at least.”

Rachel nodded. “Yeah, hurts like hell but I’m up.”

“Well, if you think you need to go home early let me or one of the other partners know. We’re slow enough right now that your absence won’t cause too much inconvenience.”

“Thanks, Duncan. I appreciate that.”

Wilde gave her an assignment investigating a series of strange bank deposits in a client’s account. It was necessary work but not physical.

When she left and went into the break room a few minutes later she had to show the guys the long line of stitches on her arm and the bruising that enveloped her calf. The ribbing that she got for her ‘boo-boos’ started up and she loved it.


Dean called hertwo nights later as she was settling into her recliner.

“I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me tomorrow.”

Though he wasn’t here, she grinned like an idiot. “I would love to. Thank you for asking me.”

“Do you have any preferences about where to go?”

She thought for a moment. “You know, I actually don’t. I’m up for anything.”

“Okay, well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Rachel stared at the phone in her hand long after he’d hung up.


It had beena long week but Saturday had finally arrived. Thoughts of Dean had plagued her in everything she did. Though their contact had been minimal, she was absorbed with wondering what he was doing. She knew cop work, but what did he do when he wasn’t on duty?

Unable to help herself she walked to the bedroom. The swelling had gone down on her temple and she’d already tugged out the stitches, which her doctor would probably yell at her about. The bruise on her leg had changed ten different colors, but it was slowly starting to fade. Another week and it would probably be gone completely.

The stitches in her arm, on the other hand, bugged the shit out of her. The skin beneath them was healing, creating an itch. She left them open to the air when she was home, but covered them with a bandage when she went out. She was on the verge of cutting them out as well but the laceration there had been deeper.

As she looked through her closet now, wondering what the hell to wear, she debated just pulling on one of her workout tank tops. They were super comfortable and practical. Definitely not date material though.

Rachel settled on a little frillier blouse in shades of blue. It had been a spur of the moment purchase a couple years ago, still had the tags on it, but it seemed okay for tonight. Maybe she’d talk to Shannon and see if they could go shopping sometime. Her wardrobe needed a serious overhaul.

The shirt chafed when she put it on and she remembered why she’d never worn it. Just for tonight she could put up with a little aggravation to look a little prettier for Dean.

But the longer she wore it the more determined she became to go shopping with Shannon.

Chapter Six

Dean dialed Killianas he drove toward Rachel’s house. “Hey, I’m heading over to take Rachel out. Any suggestions on where to take her? I don’t want to go to the Mexican place down the block from my apartment. She needs something nicer. A date place. I had planned to take her to a movie, but that’s so lame.”

Killian was quiet for several long seconds. “I’ve got the perfect place for you to take her. It’s not very big but it’s a classy joint. It’s called the Pink Cactus.”

Frowning, Dean jotted down the address Killian gave him. “Okay, sounds interesting.”

“Great little Tex Mex place, but a little higher end. You’ll love it!”