The smile completely fell away as arousal swirled through her. Damn, it had been a long time since anyone had stirred her that way. She’d heard the words before, many times, but when they were thrown at her as an attack, questioning her ability to do her job or how she’d gotten there, the effect had been very different.
Dean wasn’t belittling her or trying to get sexual favors from her in the middle of the desert.
Taking a heavy breath, she tipped her head. “Thank you, Dean. I appreciate that.”
He glanced at the clock on the wall and started gathering up trash. “As much as I’ve enjoyed this I should probably get going. You’re still recovering.”
Rachel also glanced up, amazed to see that it was after ten o’clock. She didn’t want him to leave. She was enjoying herself and had totally forgotten about her pain and boredom.
Piling everything in the paper bag he started to put it in her trashcan, but it was too full. Setting the paper bag aside he pulled the plastic bag full of trash out of the can, settled it against the floor a couple times and put the paper bag inside. “Where’s your trash can?”
She motioned out the back door to the wheeled Waste Management container, a little humiliated that Dean was hauling out her trash, but also fascinated. Damn. A good looking guy with conversation skills, unending sexiness and an openness to clean. What the hell?
Dean laughed when he caught her looking at him and moved close enough to look down at her. “I took the trash out but you can put the bag back in.” Then he seemed to reconsider his words. “Wait, where are your trash bags?”
“Left hand cupboard under the sink.”
Sighing, he moved to pull a folded bag from the roll, snapping it open before he settled it into the trash can. Then, moving back to her he leaned down to drop a kiss to the top of her head. “I only did it this time because you’re injured and I didn’t want you to bend over. I can tell how stiff you are. Next time it’s your turn.”
He pointed a meaty finger at her, then gathered up his phone and turned to leave.
Rachel followed him to the door, her bones creaking. The huge man took up a lot of room in her home but she hated to see him leave. “Dean, thank you so much for the dinner and everything. I really do appreciate it.”
“Thank you for seeing me. I hope it doesn’t seem too strange.” He cast her a squinty look in question.
She shook her head, what she could. “Not at all.”
“Think we can do it again, but maybe go out next time?”
Rachel blinked, a little caught off guard. “Yes, I guess we can. Call me.”
That broad grin stretched his mouth again and she had to catch her breath. Before she could move away he leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. Rachel gasped but he’d already pulled away and was slipping out the door.
As she watched his broad back heading to the black truck in the driveway, she had one of those premonitions. There was another crash coming. This time straight to her heart.
Being a woman in the Marines had made her leery of men. There were too many incidents of sexual abuse, both reported and not. It had been common practice to go everywhere with a buddy—shower, latrine, chow hall. Rachel had never allowed herself to be in a compromised position. Every relationship she’d taken part in had been deliberate and on her terms.
The emotions Dean stirred in her were definitelynoton her terms.
Chapter Five
Dean hated toleave. When she’d opened the door and he’d seen her standing there, his tongue had glued itself to the roof of his mouth. When he’d picked her up at the hospital, she’d cleaned up a little, but damn. Now that she’d removed the big bandage and gotten some sleep, she looked flippin’ gorgeous. He’d had no idea.
But her expressive eyes had still carried a lot of pain.
Everybody had issues to deal with in life. Rachel seemed like she’d had to deal with more than normal, especially after her service in the Marines. Dean wanted to wrap her in his arms and hold her on his lap, curled under his chin as he blocked out the world and gave her a chance to recover.
As he slid into the cab of his truck, he looked back at the house. She stood backlit by the living room lamp, a thoughtful smile on her face.
Though she hadn’t said it outright, he knew she wasn’t wild about the few years’ age difference between them. It didn’t mean anything to him, really. The woman was incredible. She hadn’t gushed about herself like a lot of women he’d met out here. And she certainly didn’t make herself out to be more than she was. There were a few pictures throughout her condo, one of which was of her in her flightsuit standing next to a small group of other women in flightsuits. Her hair had been a lot shorter then, but she’d still been stunning.
Dean felt a pull to Rachel that he’d never experienced with any other woman. From the slightly dazed look in her eyes when he’d kissed her he hoped she felt the same.
Killian teased him unmercifully the next day as Dean agonized over whether or not to send her flowers. “I don’t think she’s into flowers.” He frowned, looking at the pages of options on the computer in front of him.
“All women are into flowers,” his partner told him.