Alex felt the brush of his length at her core. She had no idea what he was wearing, but it wasn’t restraining him very well. Did she dare reach down and touch?
Yes. Yes, she did. But while she was here she might as well enjoy the entire landscape.
Alex let her lower half drift back until it felt like she was on his thighs, then she allowed her hands to brace against his broad shoulders. Duncan Wilde had mobility issues, but you couldn’t tell that by his physique. Or maybe you could. Her eyes drifted down over the cobbled contours of his stomach. Is this what a disability could do to a body? She had a feeling he’d always been especially fit.
Broad shoulders flexed beneath her hands, as if he wanted to reach up and pull her down, but he didn’t do that. He merely cupped her swaying breasts, his thumbs playing over her nipples. Alex sighed at the feeling, wishing she’d met Duncan years ago. The man knew how to bring pleasure. She hadn’t even undressed yet.
There was a mat of dark hair flecked with silver, which spread across his delineated pectoral muscles. And there were several curious scars, as well. When she ran her hands over them he looked down. “Old burns. When that helicopter crash-landed on top of us. I had extensive burns to my body. Several of my vertebrae were cracked. I was in a couple hospitals for several months, then physical therapy after that. There are significantly more on my back, just FYI.”
She shook her head, momentarily distracted. He had been through so much. “You’ve been through a lot.”
He gave her a sardonic smile. “And in spite of the saying, I don’t think it made me stronger.”
She frowned, amazed that he would say that. “You’re joking, right? You have to be one of the strongest, most self-contained, disciplined men I know.”
Duncan blinked, as if taking her words cautiously.
“Physically you’re changed, I’m sure, but don’t you feel like it made you a stronger man mentally? I mean, you’re providing jobs for veterans and fighting for them still. Would you have done that if you hadn’t been injured and forced onto a different path?”
He crooked a silver-frosted brow. “Not sure,” he admitted.
Alex grinned at him, her eyes turning pensive. “I wouldn’t have ever met you if you weren’t an advocate for other vets.”
With a quick head dip, he acknowledged her point. “True.”
“And we wouldn’t be where we are now,” she continued, rocking her hips just a bit.
His dark eyes flared with heat and he reached up to pinch her nipple through the almost-transparent fabric of her bra. “Again, true.”
Then a shadow crossed his lean face and he sat back from her. “You still have time to change your mind. We haven’t gone past the point of no return. And I have to admit I can’t move the way I used to.”
She frowned, wondering if it was personal male vanity making him pull back. “I’m all in, Wilde.”
And to affirm her words she crossed her arms and pulled the sodden sports bra over her head, flinging it over the side of the tub.
Duncan’s dark eyes turned even darker, his burning gaze focused on her breasts. With gentle fingers he reached out and brushed against the beaded tips, making Alex gasp. Then, he cupped both breasts in his hands, weighing them and exploring their texture.
Alex huffed out a breath, letting him know she loved what he was doing.
Chapter Seven
Duncan knew thingswere moving too fast, but he truly couldn’t help himself. Alexandra Hartfield was too good to be true. Everything he’d done today she’d rolled with, showing unflappable grace under pressure. And she was still here, offering more.
As he looked at the breasts mere inches from his watering mouth, he had to wonder if he would be enough for her. It had been a very long time since he’d had sex, and his body had not gotten better with time. His dick was certainly willing, but what about the rest of him?
The heat of the tub had eased some of his aches but he knew as soon as he got out just the gravity of walking would make him ache again. Luckily, he could tell the pain pills had begun to take effect because the biting edge to the pain was gone.
As he looked at the bounty before him, Duncan was truly torn. Alexandra was too good for him. If she had any idea how deficient he was, physically as well as mentally and emotionally, she would be running for the hills.
There was a part of him though, that wanted to take advantage of this night, before she realized how messed up he was. It was a totally mercenary feeling. He very rarely did things only for himself.
Maybe if he made sure she was as satisfied as he could ensure, she wouldn’t be too hard on him later.
Cupping her head he drew her into another kiss. A long time ago he’d gotten hooked on cherry pie. He could remember the feel of the cherries giving way to his tongue and the biting, sweet aftertaste. Alex reminded him of that cherry pie. Filling and scrumptious, satisfying a need he hadn’t even been aware of.
Slicking his hands down her sides, he cupped her lean hips in his fingers. She was such a perfect size. It looked like she wore tight cotton boy shorts. Those needed to go. He still wore his briefs as well. Taking a heavy breath he urged her to move. “We can’t do anything in here.”
She grinned at him, her broad smile glinting in the light. “Oh, I don’t know. I might surprise you with what I can do in here.”