Something always floated in the air between us, but I never had the balls to act on it. There was a hard line drawn when it came to Sloane Carter, and not one member of any Thunder Creek High football team ever crossed that line. At least, not to my knowledge.
Does that line still exist?
Because she’s not a teenage girl anymore.
Now she’s so much more, all curves and woman. And the chemistry that flowed between us back then still feels as strong as ever.
You cannot go there, Crawford. No matter how good she looks in a T-shirt. Or how great she’d look out of it. You’re here to get your shit together, land a new contract, and play pro ball.
I clear my throat.
“The trash goes out around back. Pick-up’s Monday, so we have to take it to the street Sunday night. And by we, I mean you.” She flashes her white teeth at me and I pretend to grimace.
“Fine. I’ll try to remember.”
“Don’t forget. Because we have big ole’ bugs here during the summer and they’ll start partying in the garbage. Maybe you blocked that fun little nugget from your memory.”
“Oh, trust me, I didn’t.” I heft the trash bag from the can, cinching the plastic tie.
She shuts off the water, wiping her hands on adishtowel. “I’m going to grab a quick shower. Holler at my dad if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
Spinning on her heel, she glides out of the kitchen and I’m glad Coach is glued to the television screen, fully engrossed in the latest sports news. Because I have a raging hard-on that’s impossible to conceal, courtesy of his darling daughter.
I’m not sure how long this cozy little arrangement’s going to last—and it’s only night one of quite possibly the longest summer of my life.
Itoss and turn all night, the Jonas brothers doing nothing to calm my nerves. All the negative thoughts run through my head, on freaking repeat. During the day, I manage to silence that voice, that doubt. But at night, in the stillness and quiet, it won’t shut the hell up.
I fucked up.
What if I don’t get picked up by another team?
Is this the end of my career?
All I know is football.
Without football, I have nothing. I am nothing.
I’m so fucked.
Round and round I go, until I’m so tightly wound I’ll never get to sleep. Then my thoughts drift to Sloane in bed down the hall, and that’s not much help, either.
I should stay away from her, leave the situation exactly how it stands.
She’s the coach’s daughter and I have nothing to offer, anyway.
I need to focus forward, on the future. Not get sucked back into the past, the what-ifs, the could-have-beens.
I’m so fucked.