Page 117 of Out of Bounds

Iwake up with a pounding headache. Wretched bright sunshine streams into the bedroom and I pull a pillow over my eyes to shield myself from the assault.

Fuck, I feel awful.

Then everything comes tumbling back: talking in the parking lot with Sloane, the hurt and distrust in her eyes. Drinking too much trying to numb the pain.

Stupid move because you always pay for it later.

Sending Sloane roses before I passed out in a whiskey coma.

I lift my cell, checking for messages. Nothing from her. Guess a secret sex video leaked on the internet calls for more than a bouquet from the neighborhood florist.

There is a message from my older sister, Jessica.

Jessica: You better call mom. She heard about your new contract

Jessica: She’s crushed you didn’t call

Oof.And now my mom’s upset too. Lately, I cannot win.

I dial my mom and she answers on the first ring.

“Camden Crawford. You signed with a new team and didn’t even call your mother. I thought I raised you better than that!”

“Sorry, Mom. I had meetings with the coaches and the GM, a helmet fitting. You know the drill. Then I caught a flight back to Thunder Creek to wrap things up and get ready for the move.”

“Mm-hmm. Excuses, excuses. I had to hear about the deal online, from the League Report! And then Sandra from pickleball asked me about it and I didn’t have any other details to give her.”

I stare up at the alabaster ceiling and curse the liquor, my mouth dry and fuzzier than bunny slippers.

“Yeah, sorry. You and Dad gonna make it down to Florida for a game?” I change the subject.

“I will, Cam!” my woo-woo sister, Ansley, shouts out in the background. “Since I’m single and ready to mingle and all.”

“Nana, do we have any more Lucky Charms?” my nephew interrupts my mom.

Must be a school break. My parents always help take care of Jessica’s kids during the school breaks.

“Hang on a sec, Justin. I’ll get them. Don’t climb up on the counter, honey. Here—” My mom’s off helping my nephew and there’s clattering in the background. Ansley comes on the line.

“Cammy-poo, how are you? Congrats on the new job. You made a vision board, didn’t you? I knew that would help.” The words gush out of her like whitewater in the rapids.

“No. I called my agent and he got me the tryout,” I say flatly.

She brushes over my lack of vision boarding, forging on. “Are you excited about Florida and the new team?”


“Whoa. Hold up. You don’t sound very excited.”

She’s real astute. Must be using her crystal freaking ball to figure that out.

“I’m fine, Ans. It’s a job.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my little brother? Football? A job? No way. That’s not the Cam I know and love.”

I huff out a sigh and dig deep to find my patience. “I’m tired is all. Long flight and lots to do in the next few days.”

“What are you doing about Sloane?” Her voice ticks up and I stiffen.How does she know about Sloane?