Page 60 of Rushing Into Love

“What do you mean, ‘And?’”

“How was it? Good? Great? Fanfreakingtastic?” she teased, kicking my leg under the bar.

“I never kiss and tell.” I took another long drink, Brooks’s eyes on me the entire time.

“Fine,” I said, meeting her gaze. “He’s amazing!” I shrieked. “Yes to all of the above.”

Brooks sighed. “I must live vicariously through you, I guess. I mean, Craig’s great and all, but he’s a doctor. That is not the same as a football player by a long stretch.” She gazed into the distance, imagining what Ryder must be like.

“He has an amazing body,” I sighed, joining in her fantasy, except mine was a lot more tangible. “And he’s actually really nice and sweet and funny, too. He’s a lot more than just good in bed.”


“What? You said you wanted to know the details.”

“And his family?” Brooks asked, in a more serious tone. “How are they? I know them from around town, but you’ve actually hung out with them now. How’d it go?”

“Good, I guess.” I folded and unfolded the edge of my cocktail napkin.

“Who’s the problem?” she said knowingly. “His mother? I could see him being a mama’s boy.”

“Nope, not her. She’s sweet as can be. The dad is great, too. Kid’s good. It’s the brother, Quinn. He really doesn’t like me and I’m not sure why. I get that he’s overprotective, but I feel like it’s deeper than that.”

“Maybe it’s not you, Bree. Maybe he’s distrustful of anyone Ryder dates. He went through a really awful divorce. He was in the tabloids all the time and he had to sue for full custody. I’m sure that traumatized the whole family.”

“Maybe. But his mom and dad are cool. Why isn’t Quinn?” I asked, worried. “What if he never comes around and we end up breaking up because of him?”

“You’re nice and funny and pretty. You’ll be fine. Use that charm and turn him around,” Brooks said in her most sincere big sister voice.

“You’re right, that’s what I need to do. But he’s a really tough nut to crack.”

The music ratcheted up three decibels and I glanced around, trying to figure out where the speakers were. That’s when I noticed Quinn on the far side of the room, playing pool with a few other guys. From the looks of it, they were probably all firefighters—they were a strong, fit bunch. There were a few girls hanging around the table, too, in tight sweaters and even tighter jeans, flirting with the guys.

I whispered to Brooks, “Don’t be obvious about it, but Quinn is over there, playing pool.”

I nodded towards the far side of the room. Brooks swiveled around like she was searching for the freaking Crown Jewels; she might as well have had friggin’ binoculars, she was so obvious.

“Brooks!” I groaned. “I saidnotobvious. That was about as obvious as you get.”

“Relax.” She patted my leg. “They’re way too into the girls to notice little old me here at the bar. Emphasis on ‘old.’ Is he the tall one wearing the slate-colored T-shirt?”

I quickly verified. “Yep, that’s him.”

“You should go say hi.” She nudged me off my seat.

“Are you crazy?” I sat back down quickly. “No freaking way. The last thing I want to do is talk to Ryder’s brother.”

She shook her head. “I thought you were going to try to win him over? Now’s as good a time as any.”

“What would I say? Hey, Quinn, I know you hate me, let’s talk. I’m sleeping with your brother—he’s really great by the way—and I’m a nice girl, so back the hell up.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said, nudging me again. “Go. I can come with you for back-up if you want.”

I mulled over her offer. “Sure. If things get really crazy, just drag me away.”

She grinned and hopped off her stool, ready to face Quinn head-on.A lot easier from the passenger seat.

We made our way to the back of the bar, over to the pool tables. A few of the guys noticed our approach, looked us up and down approvingly. I sauntered over to Quinn, who was leaning on a high-top, drinking a beer.