“Don’t cry,” I said in a quiet voice.Damn it, this was not going well.
“I’m really sorry,” she said, her lip quivering. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“I know.” I was torn between holding her close to me or turning around and running out the door. There was a magnetic pull between us, but I wasn’t sure I was up for these sorts of challenges.
“Look, I’ll call my lawyer, see what he has to say, make sure Shayna doesn’t try to use this to her advantage and come after me and Charlie. Sit tight for right now. After I talk to him, I’ll call you and we can figure out what sort of statement, if any, either of us should make to the press. Okay?” I shoved my hands back into the pockets of my hoodie.Safe from making any more contact, I thought.
“Sure,” she shrugged. “But Ryder.” She locked her gaze onto mine. “I’m going to have to react to this. I understand the safety of your family is top priority, but I can’t just sit back and let all my hard work go down the drain. I need to try to salvage my reputation somehow.” She leveled her chin and I could read the resolve in her eyes.
“I get it. Let’s just see if we can think of some kind of a solution that works for both of us,” I said, squaring my shoulders.
We stood there awkwardly for a moment, both of us shifting from foot to foot, not quite sure if we should shake hands or hug.
I broke the silence. “Alright, then, I’ll call you later.”
I walked down the hallway and let myself out.
* * *
Charlie and I skipped church.I still wasn’t sure who’d taken the photos and I didn’t want to risk any paparazzi run-ins. Until yesterday, we’d always been safe in Peachtree Grove, but now I was worried.
Charlie watched a movie while I made calls to my lawyer and my agent. I’d just hung up the phone when Quinn swung by.
“You okay?” he asked as soon as I opened the door. Ducking in, he shut the door quickly behind him, as if he were being chased.
I raked a hand through my hair. “Yeah, man, but it’s been a tough day.”
We walked to the kitchen. I leaned up against the counter, subconsciously slumping down.A hiding posture.
“This is some shit!” Quinn said in a low, angry voice, quiet enough that Charlie wouldn’t overhear. “You’ve been fine here all this time, then some girl waltzes in and splashes you all over the media. What the hell!” He ran a hand over his head roughly, let out a loud exhale.
“I know,” I grimaced. “But I don’t blame Bree.”
“Why the hell not?” my brother scowled at me. “She’s obviously an attention-seeking fame groupie. First Pax Jones, then you. Low, man.” He shook his head in disgust.
“It’s not like that, Quinn. She has no idea who took the pictures. You should have seen her. She was really upset.”
“You’re buying that?” he asked, eyebrows raised. “She’s probably just a good actor.”
I shook my head. “No way. If that were the case, she’d have an Oscar by now. Plus, she doesn’t look too good right now, either. A dating expert cheating on her boyfriend? Not exactly the image she wants to convey. She’s almost as pissed off as me.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Whatever. I’m not buying what she’s selling. What are you going to do now?” Quinn crossed to the fridge, grabbed a beer. “Want one?”
Popping the tops, he handed me a beer. I took a long swig before answering.
“Both Matt and my lawyer agreed I should make no comment, lay low, let it all blow over. Something else will happen tomorrow and it’ll be old news.”
“I don’t know, man. Wouldn’t it be better to deny the whole thing?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
I sighed. “Maybe. That’s what Matt argued at first. But I can’t do that to Bree. It would hurt her credibility even more. She’d look awful.” I stared down at a knot in the wood floor.
“You really need to stay away from her, Ryder. Everything’s too complicated with her,” Quinn warned.
I ran a hand over my head, exhaled shakily, looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t think it’s her fault, man, but I hear ya.” My mind raced over the past few days—helping Bree on the field, holding her at The Rowdy, kissing her in the park, how she helped Charlie at the coffeehouse.