Especially Ivy.
“Fucking hell.”
Lowering my knife, I pulled out a pair of flex cuffs I often had with me in case of a surprise guest.
Ironic, I know.
“Hands behind your back.”
When she hesitated, looking past me to safety, I sensed her intention a split second before she bolted forward, but I was ready this time.
In one swift motion, I grabbed her and twisted her arms behind her back, my fingers wrapping around her delicate wrists. As I bound them together, she struggled against the unyielding strength of my grip.
Pressing my chest firmly against her back again, I leaned in close, my lips nearly grazing the shell of her ear. The heat of our bodies mingled, and I felt a shiver run through her, though whether it was from fear or something else entirely, I couldn’t be sure.
“Don’t move,” I whispered, my breath hot against her skin. “Or I’ll have to restrain more than just your hands.”
The irony of our proximity, the way her bare legs brushed against mine, was not lost on me. It was a cruel twist of fate, a fleeting moment of intimacy in a situation that was anything but tender.
As I held her there, her body taut against mine, a myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. The doubts, the questions, the uncertainties—they all swirled together in a dizzying mix of confusion, but amidst the chaos, one thing was certain: I had to get to the bottom of this, no matter the cost.
And to do that, I needed to talk to my handler.
Which meant I needed help keeping Ivy restrained…
“Is your line secure?” I asked.
My brother was silent for two seconds.
“What?” Hunter’s rough voice dragged his words out slowly.
“Is your line secure?”
The groan of a bed proceeded to floorboards creaking with his steps, followed by the soft moan of an aging door hinge, and the click of its latch.
“The fuck kind of question is that?”
Hunter had always been a nightmare to deal with when woken from a sound sleep.
“One that I need answered.” I pressed the crease between my eyebrows. “Is it secure?”
“What the hell is going on, Grayson?”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” I said. “I need your help.”
“Where have you been?” Hunter demanded since I hadn’t talked to him in weeks.
“I’m going to send you an address, and you need to meet me here right away.”
I could imagine the irritation that must be rolling across my brother’s features as he said, “It’s three o’clock in the morning.”
“I’m aware.”
“Tell me what is going on.”