Page 138 of Crossfire

“What if no one ever finds proof that I’m innocent?”

Grayson’s jaw ticced. He didn’t need to say it. If we couldn’t prove the evidence against me was false, the CIA’s target on my back would stay there until I was dead.

So, what then? I couldn’t run for the rest of my life, and even if I had the means and desire to do that, I’d have the freaking CIA after me.

The CIA.

You know, the organization that always finds people?

“One step at a time,” Grayson said.

“Where would we go?”

Grayson’s gaze locked with mine, a fierce determination burning within his. “Somewhere safe.”

I blinked, my heart skipping a beat. “And you would go with me?”

“Of course.” His voice was unwavering.

Of course?

There was noof courseabout it. This was seriously messed up; Grayson had already risked so much to keep me alive. His job, his reputation with the CIA, just to name a couple of things, and now, one small voice echoed through the broken chambers of my heart.

“Why would you do that for me?” It was borderline pathetic, how meek my voice sounded, but I’d learned that few people in this world could really be trusted.

I mean, look at my mom. I loved her dearly, but I never would’ve imagined she would have an affair. When she destroyed her marriage, she destroyed my family, too. Feeble attempts of friendship had come and gone, and then there was Pete, my longest relationship to date. He, too, had broken my trust in people by using my heart against me to play games.

Looking back on it, I guess I stopped expecting good things from people a while ago. I grew to believe that people wereinherently selfish, and whenever push came to shove, they would put their own interests and desires above yours, even if it caused you harm.

But then Grayson appeared in my life and showed me through his actions that he would do anything to protect me. Including sacrifice the things in his life that he held dear.

Maybe it scared me. Maybe that’s why I retreated and argued over the termgirlfriendbecause it hurt less when people let you down, if you never expected much from them to begin with.

Grayson changed all that. He made me start to rely on him—and not just for my safety, but for my happiness and my heart.

He had made me fall for him. No matter how much I fought against it, my heart had imprinted on him, and it was utterly terrifying.

“Ivy.” Grayson’s hand reached up, his fingers gently brushing against my cheek. His touch ignited a spark within me, a longing for him to look at me like this forever—so deeply that the rest of the world faded to black. “You’re the definition of good,” he said. “Maybe I slipped into my cynical ways of thinking because you seem too good to be true, and it scared me, how much I’ve grown to want you in my life. To need you in my life.”

My body heated under his compliment, a blush spreading across my cheeks.

“That evidence looked bulletproof,” I reminded him. “Anyone who saw that would’ve thought I was guilty.”

But he only did so for a minute. As soon as he looked into my eyes, he saw me—the real me—and his heart knew the truth. He chose to trust in me over what appeared to be cold, hard facts.

“Maybe,” he allowed. “But I was scared.”

He paused, his breaths slow and steady, as if gathering the courage to bare his response.

“Because I’m falling in love with you, Ivy,” Grayson professed in a low, baritone voice.

I let out a soft gasp, the back of my eyes prickling with tears.

“And I’ve been scared of…of letting myself go all in with you.” His voice was raw with emotion.

My heart bloomed in my chest at his words; all of this push and pull between us, had we been struggling with similar apprehension?

“I never thought I would feel this way about anyone, Ivy, and caring about another human being as much as I care about you…” He shook his head, his thumb grazing my lower lip, sending an electric current down my body. “Feelings that strong make me vulnerable to having my heart ripped open.”