Page 131 of Crossfire

But again, that was the pot calling the kettle black. He’d heldhisgirlfriend againstherwill, and I’d helped.

Still, part of me knew bringing Ivy here was reckless. But another part—the part that was falling for her hard and fast—couldn’t bear to let her out of my sight. Not when her life was in danger.

Besides, we Lockwoods stuck together. Through all our sins and secrets, we helped each other, no matter what.

As Hunter gathered his strength to not slaughter me, Ivy glowered at me so intensely, I could almost smell the singe of fuel from the rockets firing into my skull.

Which confused me. Wasn’t claiming her as my girlfriend, like…a good thing? Or was defining our relationship on the fly, in front of someone else, without preapproval frowned upon? Based on the daggers, I guess it was the latter.

Great.This whole relationship thing was going to have a steeper learning curve than I imagined.Who knew you could get in trouble for professing your intentions to someone?

“Actually”—Ivy plastered a smile onto her face—“we’re friends.”


Okay, I’d admit I wasn’t a master in the relationship department, but I had just finger-banged her in the car, and then she screwed me senseless.

Friends? It was my turn to be insulted.

I leaned down and brought my mouth so close to her ear that my lips brushed against her earlobe as I whispered, “You’ve come on my tongue. I’d say that makes us more than friends, Kitten.”

Ivy’s breath caught, and she shivered slightly before narrowing her eyes at me, determined not to let me fluster her.

I stared. Right back.

She’d admit we were more than friends tonight if it was the last thing I did.

“Grayson?” Luna’s wide smile appeared behind Hunter. “Oh my gosh.”

She slammed into my chest, wrapping her arms around me. I wasn’t what you would call a hugger, but I liked Luna. We’d been through a lot together.

I guess something fundamentally shifts in your relationship when your brother’s girlfriend slams into you, covered in blood, with no top on.

And begs you for help.

But I digress.

“It’s so good to see you, Luna.”

Luna stepped back and rested her hands on my shoulders, staring at my face for a few seconds before finally pivoting toward Ivy.

That’s when Luna’s face really lit up—wider eyes, gigantic smile.

“I’m Luna.”

Ivy took Luna’s outstretched hand.


“Come in, come in,” Luna insisted. “Jace and Bryson will be here soon.”

Hunter waited one whopping second after we’d stepped inside before he said, “Grayson, a word?”

I’d been dreading this…

“Ivy, what can I get you to drink?” Luna asked as she and Ivy ambled into the great room.

Hopefully, Luna wouldn’t ask her too many questions before I could return.