Page 120 of Crossfire

“I want to see them again,” I said. “The pictures. Closer this time.”

He probably wouldn’t let me see. After all, it had to be confidential CIA information, but to my surprise, Grayson nodded.

We walked in silence back to the cabin—my attention darting around the woods as I wondered if I should try to escape again. But it was no use. The only way to survive was to get to the bottom of this, and I couldn’t do that without a better picture of what I was facing.

“Who is that?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the computer screen.

“Ivan Vosch.” Grayson watched my face, looking for any indication that the name meant something to me, I guess.

Probably still having doubts then.

My stupid heart. There it goes again. Stop sobbing. He’s an assassin. What did you think, you’d found some clandestine love affair, Ivy?

Yes,my heart sobbed.Yes, I did.

“Should I know who that is?”

“The most dangerous arms dealer in the world.”


“I’ve never met him,” I declared. “These photographs are fake.”

“It’s not just these, Ivy. There’s a series of them. Among other evidence showing you’re part of his organization.”

Well, at least it took more than fake photos to break my heart, I guess. Lucky me.

“In what capacity?” Did he even stop to think about how ridiculous that sounded? “What the hell could I offer some arms dealer?”

“Could be various roles within his organization. Like a health-care provider, off the books for if or when his men get injured.”

“But you didn’t stop to think about vital facts or motives?” I balked. “Just slammed me against a tree?”

Don’t snap at him like this. He could change his mind and break your neck.

“The evidence doesn’t say why, just shows that you are.”

I clenched my fists.

“This makes no sense,” I said. “Why would someone go through this much effort to manufacture evidence against me?”

Grayson pinched the bridge of his nose, finally thinking, evidently. “I don’t know.”

“Even if someone wanted me dead, why do something this sophisticated to kill me?”

Grayson scrubbed his face while I tried to swallow the lava coursing down my vocal cords.

“You want to hear the craziest part of all of this?” I challenged. “Even more than realizing some person is trying to frame me?”

I took a step back, putting distance between us.

“I actually thought you knew me better than to think I would ever be capable of something like this.”

Was it irrational? Maybe. Unfair? Perhaps. After all, Grayson was a seasoned agent who was staring down the barrel of a mountain of evidence against me. He probably would never trust his heart over cold, hard facts.

But it hurt all the same.

“Ivy, wait.”