Mitch nodded and said,Let’s go see that one.
They drove across town, this time to the north and east, up near the rich estates where rodeo celebrity Wyatt Walker lived in a gated community. The hills here made for a moremountainous, rural area. They pulled up to a dirt road and went down it until it ended in what looked like a dirt cul-de-sac, then they piled out of the vehicle.
“This one is fifty-seven acres,” Jerry said, waiting until Mitch looked square at him. “It is a little bit more remote, and it’s on the east side of town, which is generally equated with being higher-end.”
Mitch nodded because that was true. Three Rivers definitely had communities, some of which were poorer and older than others. On this northeast side, it was hillier, more remote, and the communities newer and nicer. The houses here cost far more than in town, and Mitch wondered if that was the vibe he wanted for his academy. He wanted it to be elite but not elitist.
The real estate agent spoke with Momma and Daddy, and Momma conveyed all that he said to Mitch.
This is a great piece of property. The management group that owns it has been trying to sell it for a year, and it’s going nowhere. I don’t think anyone’s looked at it in six months. So again, you don’t need to be in a rush. They’re looking for something beautiful to be built on this side of town and are a little picky about who they’ll sell to.
Mitch nodded as he gazed east, the morning sun painting the land into a color he’d call golden warm.It’s a nice piece of land, he said. Because it was, but was ithisnice piece of land?
They all piled back into the truck and drove south along the highway where Uncle Preacher had gotten in a terrible accident many years ago. They continued south past the turnoff that went to Golden Hour Ranch and Seven Sons Ranch, and they drove so far south that Mitch was sure they’d passed Shiloh Ridge too.
Are we even in Three Rivers still?he signed to Momma.
She asked Jerry, who shook his head.No, this other piece of land is a county property.
Mitch wasn’t sure what that meant, so he looked at his father.Just means it’s not in an incorporated city, son.
What about water and electricity?Mitch asked.
“You pay to the county,” Jerry said, explaining to Momma and Daddy that it was still plumbed with electricity and water, but payments would go to a county system instead of Three Rivers. Mitch nodded once he’d gotten the information from them.
They came up on the land, and it was definitely more remote. Mitch hadn’t seen a house, ranch, arch, or turnoff in at least ten minutes. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Anyone coming to the academy would likely have to go through Amarillo, and this was at least a two-hour drive from that airport. Maybe more.
It’s remote, he said as he got out, not looking at anyone. It definitely was remote. There weren’t as many trees, the land was flat, and it looked completely barren and uncared for. Mitch suddenly had the urge to be the one to bring it to life, to make it an oasis for the deaf community, as he often felt alone, desolate, and uncared for.
“This one is the largest parcel,” Jerry said. “It’s ninety-seven acres and has a stream that runs through it, which is kind of nice. It needs a lot of work, and that’s why it’s on the market for the price it is—the cheapest one, but with the most land.”
Mitch nodded. He looked at his daddy and said,It’s really far away.
Daddy nodded and looked around as he signed.You said you wanted it far away.
Yeah, Mitch said.But I’m not sure I want it this far away.
Well, he’s given you three really different pieces of property, Momma said.It gives you an idea of what’s available around Three Rivers.
Mitch couldn’t argue with that.That’s true, he told his momma.Thank you so much, Mister Bozeman. He shookJerry’s hand, counting on his mother to voice his words for him.This has been really great. I know it’s a lot of driving and we’ve taken your whole morning. I really, really appreciate it.
“No problem,” Jerry said. “This has been really fun. I don’t often sell land.”
No?Mitch asked, cutting a glance over to his father. The wind out here pulled at their cowboy hats, and Daddy had one hand pressed to the top of his head.
“No,” Jerry said. “Usually farms and ranches.”
A new idea pranced through Mitch’s mind.What about me taking over a farm or a ranch? You think that could be converted into an academy? It would already have buildings.
Jerry sat thoughtful for a moment and then said, “It’s actually a possibility. One of the more luxury ranches would have a huge lodge-type house on it. That might be somewhere you could house children, and they probably would have a generational house where you could live on-site. Something to think about.”
I bet they’d be far more expensive.
Jerry nodded, not even trying to cover up that fact. “Yes, far more expensive.”
Mitch looked over to his momma to follow the conversation through her hands instead of lip-reading.How expensive?
She asked the question to the real estate agent while Mitch waited. She got the answer and turned to Mitch.Some of the top-end luxury ranches go for two or three million dollars around here.