Page 13 of Secret Love

“Okay, let's get your name.”

I fill out the forms and then sit down, the kitten nestling into my arms and falling asleep.

The Dalmatian and its owner go back and I wait about three minutes before I’m ushered to an examination room in the back.

Dr. Amber walks in a few minutes later and is unlike any vet I’ve ever seen. She looks like Cher getting ready to do a concert, with the examination table as an odd prop. She lights up when she sees my kitten.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Amber.”

“I’m Tru. Nice to meet you.”

“You too. There’s just nothing like a kitten, is there?” she says.

“No. It was instalove,” I say, nuzzling the kitten to my face. “I’ve never had a cat and I’ve also never seen one this small.”

She reaches out and I hand the little bundle over to her. The kitten lets out a plaintive meow.

“It’s okay, little princess,” I say.

“Tell me about this little thing,” Dr. Amber says.

“I found her by my back door and looked all over for the mom or other kittens, but didn’t see any others.”

“What a shame. It happens sometimes. Most likely she was abandoned by a stray mom or was left by an owner, but if that were the case, there would probably be more. She’s tiny. She looks about six weeks…maybe seven.”

Dr. Amber turns her around and lays her gently on the table, examining her paws and her ears and everything about her, as the kitten mews pitifully. Dr. Amber whispers consoling things as she continues checking her out.

“Ah.” Dr. Amber laughs. “Our little princess is a little prince.”

“Really? I looked but didn’t…I couldn’t tell.” I laugh.

“Sometimes it’s hard to be sure with cats.”

She checks him out and then looks up at me with a smile. “Okay, here’s what I’d like to try. Since we’re not sure how long he’s been away from his mother, you can see how he does with food. I have some I’ll recommend, but you can also supplement with formula for the next couple of days if he doesn’t take to the food right away. Then, if you can bring him back to see me, we’ll make sure he’s growing at a healthy rate. He looks pretty healthy, all in all, but I’d like to keep an eye on this little guy. Are you up for that?” she asks.

“I am. I’m close enough to work that I can go back and forth to check on him when I need to.”

“Great. I’ll write down the best food and then—you’ve never had a cat, right?”

I shake my head.

“You’ll need a litter box and kitty litter. Fred will help you find everything and Jenny will make an appointment for you to come back in a couple of weeks.”

“Okay, thanks for all your help.”

I go back out into the little area where Jenny is stationed and make an appointment, and then I go find Fred.

“Are you all set?” he asks.

“I just need to find a litter box, kitty litter, food, and a little bit of formula.” I hand him the slip that Dr. Amber gave me. “If there’s anything else you think I need…maybe a cute bed?”

“It’s up to you. Kittens can sleep anywhere and they make a game of just about anything.” He laughs. He reaches out to pet the kitten. “Have you got a name picked out yet?”

“No, not yet. I thought it was a girl, but it’s a boy, so I’m back to the drawing board.”

“You’re not the first one that’s happened to,” he says.

I see a cute fuzzy bed and pick it up and a couple of cat toys that make me smile. One is a hamburger with a pickle hanging on a string.