If I don’t get out of here, something is going to happen to me. The pressure is far too high.
I dart out of the car and take off into the woods. The sun is just setting, casting golden light all over the trees and bushes. I run as fast as I can go, tree branches and shrubs whipping my face. A burst of excitement rushes through me, and I feel alive.
I can breathe again. The stifling pressure in the car is gone.
There’s a whoop behind me and heavy footsteps. I dart to the right, away from the sound.
Fuck, they’re chasing me. The woods are thick with summer growth, which makes running hard.
I need to find somewhere to hide. I scramble down a hill, getting caught by bushes. They claw at and catch on my clothes.
I jump over a small overhang and land heavily on the ground. I roll, then realize the overhang is just enough for me to squeeze under. I scramble under it, breathing heavily.
“Where are you, little one? Don’t you want to get caught?” It’s Cole’s voice, and he doesn’t even sound out of breath. Movement catches my eye, and I suck in a breath.
One of them stalks through the woods. He has a ski mask on.
“Here kitty kitty.”
It’s Cole. I can tell by the voice.
He whirls slowly, scanning the area. I freeze completely.
Cole’s blue eyes lock on mine, and a grin stretches across his face. “Oh, hello.”
He’s about five feet away. I scramble out of my hiding spot and sprint as fast as I can.
“I think she wants to be caught,” I hear Jayden say.
I let out a scream. I see Jayden running toward me on the left. He also has a ski mask on.
I dart away. Fuck! They’re so damn close. I know I can’t outrun them, and I can’t hide from them. And that makes a thrill run through me.
I whirl, holding my knife out in front of me, gasping for breath.
Both men slow.
“What a good girl. Running as soon as I told you to.” I recognize the voice as Cole, even though they look almost identical in the masks. Cole doesn’t even sound out of breath. “I say jump, and you say: how high?”
“Fuck you,” I pant for breath. I can only see slivers of their faces. I think Jayden is on the right, and his dark eyes flash with menace.
“Don’t come any closer.” I slash the blade out at Jayden as he tries to edge up behind me.
“You keep telling us what to do, and you won’t be coming for a long, long time.”
“Tell us what to do, lemon drop,” Cole says. “It makes it all the more fun to punish you.”
“Would you stop telling her to do the opposite of what I say?” Jayden snaps.
“Why? It’s so much fun.”
Both men close in on either side. I maneuver so my back is to a tree so they can’t sneak up behind me. I see Jayden throw Cole a nasty glare.
When I glance at Cole to see his reaction, Jayden lunges at me. I snap the knife out, but he darts to the side, batting my arm down. I try to swing it back up, but Jayden is on top of me, shoving me into the tree.
I hit it so hard that the breath explodes from my lungs. Jayden is on me in a second, pressing into me and ripping the knife from my hand.
“Fuck.” I jerk my knee up. Jayden doesn’t move in time, and I graze him.