Page 75 of The Devil's Dilemma

“Keep him safe,” I said to Conrad. Time to put an end to this.

I felt Austin’s presence leave me and knew Conrad had taken him to safety. Dealing with this mob would be no trouble at all.

I snapped the neck of the man who’d cut me and dropped him to the ground. Another took his place, and with a swipe of my hand, I slit his throat. He landed with a thud, blood staining the ground.

Again and again, I took men down. I danced around them, easily avoiding their weapons and fists.

A man with a sword came close. That could come in handy. Using the heel of my hand, I forced his head back, and with a satisfying crack, he fell to the ground.

I grabbed the sword and sliced and stabbed my way through the men in front of me, killing all in my path.

Blood flew in all directions, splattering my face and clothes. One by one, they tumbled to the ground in slow motion. I could manipulate time to benefit my needs, so I’d slowed it down, allowing me to deal with the throng of attackers coming at me.

Not even breaking a sweat, I continued to fight my way towards Nick and Freddie. He was my goal.

A behemoth of a man approached, except he was no man but a demon taking advantage of the bounty on Austin’s head.

He grunted as he stomped forwards, the ground shaking with each step. Killing him would be a little trickier but not impossible.

He snatched the sword from my hands and snapped it in two.

Well, that wasn’t nice.

He threw his head back and roared, his arms outstretched. Some people liked to draw attention to themselves, but that was hardly ever a good thing.

I punched him in the gut. Ouch. I shook out my hand. It was like hitting a brick wall, but I wouldn’t let that deter me.

This one needed taking down.

“Hey, big guy.” I placed my hand on his head, sending a pulse of power into his brain. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he dropped to the ground, convulsing.

I stepped over him and moved on to the next and the next and the next until only a handful remained standing.

The coppery smell of blood filled the air, the playground looked like a battlefield, and here I was, mere feet from a terrified-looking Nick.

“Fraudster, eh? You might want to rethink that.” I lifted my shirt and wiped the blood from my face.


“I fucking told you,” Freddie said to Nick, his face pale as a sheet. “I warned you what would happen.”

“Don’t talk to me like that.” Nick lifted his arm. I’d not sent him home for that to happen.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” I caught his arm inches before Freddie’s face and forced it backwards.

Nick howled, his arm hanging limp by his side.

“Now, you call off the rest of your men, or else they’ll end up the same way the others have. Then you take your little operation and go somewhere else.”

“I promise I will. You fucking broke my elbow. I need a hospital.”

“That you do. Now be nice to Freddie and get on your way.”

What was I saying? Since when had I been forgiving? Since when had I let things slide? This man hadn’t earned any of my sympathy. He’d manipulated and stolen from me and others. He’d beaten Freddie when he hadn’t been justified.

Nah, he didn’t deserve to live.

I flicked my wrist, and he dropped to the ground. Stone dead.