More men appeared out of nowhere and closed in on my position. I was surrounded and had nowhere to escape.
I’d not be getting out of here alive, but there was no way I’d work with Nick anymore. I’d been too far invested before to pull out at the last minute with the casino job, although in hindsight, I should have done so for many reasons.
“Now, Austin, be a good boy and come with us. We have a lot to discuss.”
I looked at Freddie, who seemed fucking terrified. His hands shook as he swiped a tear from his face. I couldn’t risk them beating him anymore, but I couldn’t go with them.
I shook my head. “I’m not coming with you. Kill me if you must, but I’m done working for you.”
“Austin, Austin, Austin. You’re not leaving me with many choices here.”
I didn’t fucking care.
I bounced on the balls of my feet, readying myself to make a break for it. But I couldn’t take Freddie with me. He was a mess and in no fit state to run. Could I escape? Was there a gap I could sneak through?
“Don’t do it, Austin. There’s nowhere you can run to, and I’d hate for anything to happen to your grandpa. He’s such an old man, living in that house on his own with no one to look after him now you’re shacked up with the devil.”
“You touch him, and I’ll fucking kill you. You leave him out of it.”
“Like you did with Joel? How could you kill him in cold blood?”
“You have a problem with how he died. You take it up with me.”
Dante’s voice boomed across the playground. He strode towards us, his horns gloriously long and black.
I didn’t need him to fight my battles for me, but I was more than happy to see him today. Conrad must have told him of my escape, and he’d found me.
The moment he reached me, he placed a firm hand on my shoulder, and I knew I was safe. He’d not let anything happen to me.
“Stay close,” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear, and despite the dire situation, I shivered.
“Go home. You’re just a wannabe, a poor lookalike. You think you’re the devil? You’re nothing but a fraudster. Do you not see how many of us are here?”
“I do, and I’m pretty sure you don’t know who half of these men are. Where did you find these monkeys? At the circus?”
“Oh, you think you’re funny, do you? I didn’t have to look far. The moment I mentioned Austin here, men came out of the woodwork, wanting a piece of the action.”
I looked over at Conrad, who’d joined us. Were these the men they’d warned us about?
“Seems you’re famous.” He grinned. He seemed to be enjoying this.
“I’m not gonna like this, am I?” I had a bad feeling shit was going to go down.
“Nope. I can almost guarantee it.” Dante smiled broadly, his perfect skin glowing in the dull afternoon light.
He pushed up the sleeves on his black top and cracked his knuckles.
“Ready?” He turned to Conrad and nodded.
“As always.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, not wishing to see the carnage I knew was about to happen.
I’d seen him kill Joel with a click of his fingers, but I had a feeling he would show these men no mercy, and for once, I hated being right.
Chapter seventeen