Page 71 of The Devil's Dilemma

As if I cared. He couldn’t keep me prisoner here. My life was my own.

“Look, I get you’re concerned, but I’ll be fine. I’m lucky, remember?”

“I said no.”

“And I said I’m going.”

“Austin.” Dante’s voice changed, and a tinge of black darkened his horns.

“Then send someone with me. Conrad will come with me, won’t you?”

Dante trusted him, and I’d stand a better chance of getting out of here with him. Not sure quite how I was going to give him the slip, but I’d figure that out later.

“Don’t drag me into this.” Conrad held up his hands. “Dante said no.”

“But I need to make sure Grandpa’s okay. Yesterday unnerved us both. He’s old, and I have to check he’s fine.”

I wasn’t lying. I might slip out to see Freddie, but I intended to visit Grandpa too. He wasn’t used to being on his own for so long.

As if sensing my need to go to him, Dante nodded. “Conrad, go with Austin and make sure you keep him safe. Do not lose sight of him for one moment.”

“I promise I’ll behave.” I crossed my fingers behind my back. Not that I needed the luck. I was born with it.

“Take the car and be back here within two hours. Understand?”

Conrad looked at me and shook his head. “You’ll be the death of me, I swear. No funny business.”

I smiled sweetly and put on my coat and trainers. Ah, my own clothes. I already felt better.

I followed Conrad out and into the parking garage under the casino, where we got into the car we’d arrived in the previous day.

He squeezed himself into the driving seat. It was a big car, but still his height made him look like a giant driving a toy car.

The streets became more familiar, but I kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Something wasn’t sitting right with me, and the ill-feeling I’d had before returned, a chill settling in my bones and not just from the frigid temperatures.

We pulled up outside the house, and I jogged up the front path and opened the door. Grandpa never kept it locked. He said if ever he needed help, he didn’t want them battering down the door to get to him.

“Hey, Grandpa. It’s me.”

“Austin? Is that you?”

“Yeah. Are you okay?”

“When are you coming home? I need my tablets, and there’s no one to cook my dinner.”

“Stan, you know that’s not true. Don’t believe him, Austin.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as Amber appeared at the kitchen door.

I rushed to her and hugged her tight.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Looking after him. I might need you to do it for a couple more days. Is that okay?”

“Of course. I don’t know what you’ve got yourself mixed up in, but I’ll take care of him until you come back. Just don’t take too fucking long.”