Page 77 of The Devil's Dilemma

Elation. That was the only word I could think of to describe how I felt.

How had Austin burrowed so deeply into me? I was loathed to give him up. I had no explanation for it, but I knew it was the right thing.

A girl sat with his grandpa. The moment we walked in, she jumped up and ran to Austin.

“Is everything okay? I tried to stall him as long as I could.”

“So you were the one stopping my man from doing his job?”

“Hey, she was only doing what I asked her to do. Don’t scare her, Dante. It’s me you should be cross with.”

I wasn’t cross. Well, I was a little, but thankfully, everything had turned out for good this time.

“We shouldn’t stay long,” I reminded him.

“Where did you go, and why aren’t you staying here with me?” Austin knelt next to his grandpa and took his hand, but he spoke to Amber too.

“I can’t stay. I’m in a bit of trouble.”

“Is it to do with your momma?” Austin’s grandpa sure was astute. He hadn’t missed a trick.

“I’d love to say no, but I think what I am means that quite a few people would like to see me gone.”

Amber sucked in a breath. “What do you mean, what you are, and who the hell wants you dead? I warned you about those friends of yours.”

“It’s not them. If only it were that simple. When all this is over, I promise I’ll explain, but for now, I need to stay with Dante for a while. Only he can protect me. Please trust me on this.”

His grandpa patted his face. “You’ll come back to me when you can. I know you will.”

“Amber, can you help look after him?”

“You know I will.” She wagged her finger at me. “You’d best make sure nothing happens to him. If I find out he’s dead, I’ll be coming for you.” From the fire in her eyes, I didn’t doubt her for a minute. Thank fuck, Austin had such a fierce friend.

“It’s time.”

Slowly Austin got to his feet.

Conrad had arrived, and I could see the car outside, waiting.

“I promise I’ll come back.”

Without another word, we left the house. On the ride back to the casino, Austin stayed silent, and as soon as we entered, he made his way upstairs and straight to the bedroom, closing the door quietly.

Today had brought home that he was a wanted man, that people were trying to murder him. For me, it was an everyday occurrence. Someone was always out to assassinate the devil, but for him, it was new and would take some getting used to.

I showered and had some food sent up. He needed to eat and keep up his strength.

I knocked on the door, aware of the subtle shift from prisoner to occupier of my apartment, specifically my bedroom.

He didn’t reply, but I opened the door anyway.

He lay on the bed in his underwear, fast asleep, a frown on his face.

I hated seeing it there. Had I not touched the angel mark, the only thing he’d needed to worry about was me.

I’d caused this fuck-up, so it was up to me to fix it.

I couldn’t explain why, but it was an obligation that had fallen to me.