Page 64 of Judging Duke

“Why the scowl, Simon?”

Barbara sidled up next to me and linked her arm with mine.

“I’m not scowling. I’m fine.”

“I think someone is telling lies. I didn’t miss where your eyes were drawn to when you came downstairs.”

She looked over her shoulder in the direction of Duke.

“He really is rather handsome, don’t you think? He could have the pick of any person here. Don’t look now though, he’s looking this way. Not quite as absorbed in the conversation with those pretty men as you think he is,” she whispered.

“It’s not what you think. There’s nothing going on between us.”

“Oh, you silly boy. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. There is definitely some sexual tension there.”

I thought about her words, deeming them to be totally untrue. I hated him. He loathed me. End of story.

“Now, I’m taking him out tomorrow to a friend’s place in Monte Carlo. You’re welcome to join us. He usually has a yacht moored just outside the port. It’s a little big for the harbour. Normally, he moors at Antibes, but would you believe it was full?”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

“Nonsense. I’ll not have an argument. Make sure you’re ready by ten in the morning, and I’ll drive us down.”

With that, she walked away, her arms outstretched in greeting to someone else.

“You can sit with us, if you want. I know you don’t know many people here.”

Duke had sidled up next to me, piling his plate with a selection from the table: bread, cheese, salad, ham. A healthy serving.

“It’s fine. I don’t want to intrude.”

“What’s up with you? Don’t act like you didn’t have my cock down your throat not an hour or so ago.”

“Shush, someone will hear you.”

He laughed, a deep laugh that resonated through me.

“Such a fucking prude. I never thought you were that.”

“I’m not. I just don’t like to shout about my sexual encounters that aren’t on screen.” To me, things like that should be kept private. My life was public enough on screen. I liked to have some things to myself.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “That was insensitive of me, but you can still join us. They might be pretty, but I don’t think they have two brain cells to rub together. At least I can have a healthy argument with you if needed.”

“We have that, I suppose.”

He was right, though. I knew no one other than our hosts and Troy and Finn, who were conspicuous in their absence.

“Come on. How bad could it be?”

To be honest, it wasn’t bad at all. We were joined by others, and I actually had a good time. We laughed, ate, drank, and when the guitar came out again later in the evening, we all joined in. After the day I’d had, this was what I needed.

I felt more relaxed than I had in weeks.

We’d drunk enough, and as we climbed the stairs to bed, Duke’s arm slung around my shoulders, his dismissal of our earlier encounter no longer bothered me.

“So, Barbara tells me you’re joining us tomorrow. It’ll be great.”

“Yeah, I’m bringing my camera. Looking forward to getting some good shots.”