What the fuck?
Mid piss, the door opened, and there stood Duke. I might have known. It seemed lately, everywhere I turned, there was his face.
Mouth open, he was momentarily lost for words.
“I, erm. I’ll just let you finish.”
“My eyes are up here,” I said, laughing. Poor guy couldn’t take his eyes off my arse.
I could have dressed, put some clothes on, but considering what I’d be doing tomorrow, I didn’t see the point.
My dick would be on show for everyone to see.
I finished peeing and shook it before washing my hands, and he was still there, gaping like a goldfish, not having moved a muscle.
I turned to face him, amused when he almost choked seeing that I was indeed as naked as the day I was born.
“What’s up? You never seen a dick before?”
“I’m gonna go,” he said, indicating the door with his thumb.
“No need. I’m about done.”
I sauntered out of the large bathroom, patting his cheek as I passed him.
I don’t think I’d ever seen anyone as shocked as he was. Funny, as he hadn’t struck me as being a goody two shoes.
I encountered no one else on the way back to my room, but honestly, that had made my night.
The following morning, I was up bright and early. I’d spotted a pool the previous evening and was headed down for a swim when I saw Barbara sitting on the terrace, grasping a mug of coffee. It might have been warm during the day, but mornings were fresh, a light covering of dew on the furniture.
“Good morning, Barbara. What an absolutely gorgeous start to the day.” The sky was coloured: pink, yellow, orange, and blue, like paint on a canvas. The sun slowly climbing.
“It’s going to be a hot one today. I can tell. Here, join me, let’s take in the morning together.”
Not wishing to seem rude, I put my towel on the chair and sat down next to her.
As had happened the night before, a cup of coffee miraculously appeared.
“Thanks.” I nodded to the petite girl who quickly scurried away. “How many staff do you have here?”
“A handful. Not many, really. Enough to keep things running smoothly. Me and Cyril aren’t getting any younger, and it helps to have someone around to help with cooking and cleaning. I’m not up to much these days. It’s why we’ve invited Duke over. He does wonders, you know.”
I didn’t but nodded anyway. She obviously put great stock in his talent. Hopefully later today, I’d be able to say the same.
“It’s a beautiful house. You’re very lucky living here.”
“Well, we spend a lot of time here and a few months back in the UK. I much prefer it here, but we have family back home we like to visit. I’m Cyril’s second wife. He has children and grandchildren in London.”
“No children of your own? I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.” I realised as soon as I said it how insensitive my question was.
“It’s fine, and no, I had no children. An incident many years ago took that choice away from me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“There’s no need to be. You weren’t to know. But enough of me, tell me a little about you, Simon. I’ll admit I don’t know much about you, only what I’ve seen in your movies.”