Behind the blindfold, I frown. I inhale deeply, unable to find the sweet scent of jasmine associated with her being. I take another breath, my airways overwhelmed only by the lavender petals all over the bed.

When gentle heat fans my face, I'm hit by the smell of fermented grapes instead of the sweetness of Lila's breath. Grabbing the wrists on my shoulders, I quickly pull off the blindfold, only to discover that it's not Lila in front of me.

“Cynthia?!” I bellow, instincts kicking in as I stand up with her wrists clenched in the vice-grips of my powerful hands like cuffs. “What the fuck?!”

Glaring at Cynthia in disbelief, my heart lodges in my throat from how revolted I am.

“Ow…you're hurting me, Alpha,” she wails, but I know it's a pretense. I only let go because the sensation of her skin feels coarse beneath my fingers. That's just how much I can't stand her.

“Now,” she drawls as she takes a step forward. “Where were we?”

When the redhead reaches out for me, I slap her wrist away, inadvertently sending her crashing onto the bed. She gasps, a salacious grin forming on her lips until I stop the heinous look on her face with a hand on her neck.

“What are you doing here, Cynthia?!” I rumble with the anger simmering inside. “Answer me!”

With trembling fingers scratching my thick arms, she choked, “I—I can't b-breathe…”

I let her go with a forceful push, sending her back on the bed. Impatience has me tapping my foot and glowering at her from above.

“Speak. Now.”

Cynthia buys herself time by rubbing her neck and feigning how horrified she is. I'm so disgusted by her being here, in the bedroom I'm supposed to share with my mate, that a pang of nausea skitters up my throat.

“I thought you'd be glad to see me, Flynn,” she whines, her voice like poison to my eardrums. “I wanted us to start fresh.”

“Fresh?!” I exclaim, repulsed by her. “Where the fuck is my mate?!” I demand, an unsettling panic rising in my gut.

“I've taken care of her, Flynn,” Cynthia purrs as she gets to her knees in an attempt to come closer. “Don't worry, she won't bother us again.”

The anger inside me reaches its peak as I grab Cynthia by the neck and glare at her with fiery eyes.

I hadn't thought thatthiswas a probability—that my mate has been put in danger by one of my pack members.

“Where. Is. Lila?” I ask sternly, my rage reaching dangerous heights.

The only reason Cynthia is still alive is because I have to find my mate.

Chapter 17 - Lila

Growing wearier by the second, I attempt to open my eyes. I try lugging in deep breaths, the nauseating pain in my stomach making me choke while I try to keep my head above the water of disorientation.

A shudder passes through me, withering my lungs and sending an aching hand up to my neck. A metallic, acrid taste clambers to the top of my throat, making me cough and splutter at the regurgitation of blood.

When it reaches the roof of my mouth, I keel over to one side and spit out dark clots of scarlet beside my head.

“Flynn….” His name rolls off my tongue as my eyes roll to the back of my head. My vision is cloudy, and I gasp when I touch the swelling of my eyelids.

What happened?

All I remember is the darkening of my vision and the putrid smell of chloroform. I'd blacked out soon after, and now I've been feebly attempting to wake up on the stone-cold hard floor beneath me.

I'm able to take a deep breath at last, which gives me the strength to open my eyes enough to make sense of my surroundings. Beneath me are chipped concrete floors, while a struggling glance upward shows me that I'm caged by metal bars.

Where am I?

The frown that tugs my brows has me wincing in pain, indicating that my face is hurt. I lick my chapped lips, tasting blood on one side. How did my lip get busted?

That's the least of my worries when I drag my eyes down and find my wrists shackled by metal cuffs. Humming in discomfort, I lift my hands closer and instinctively sniff the metal bands.