I gulp, the intensity of those golden depths sending awareness through my wolf and igniting other kinds of hunger.

“Your wolf needs fresh meat,”he reminds me, and I quickly push aside those baser desires to focus on the gnawing hunger in my belly.

“So does the pup,”I chuckle nervously.

Flynn steps forward and nuzzles his pointed nose at my neck. “Combat training can wait for now. Let's take care of that hunger first.”

Though I'd been eager to fight Flynn and exact my revenge for all the times he was horrible to me, I must admit that I like this idea more. I like who he's becoming, and it makes up for the past.

That's why I follow him out of the center without protest, getting a feel for my wolf limbs as we enter a steady jog toward the mountain.

“See that goat over there?”he asks telepathically when we slow down on an incline.

I nod my wolf head when I spot the mountain goat grazing leveled land beyond the pine tree ahead of us. Slowing my steps, I'm careful not to tread over dry leaves, not wanting to alert the prey of our presence.

“I see it,”I respond cautiously.

“Now,”Flynn whimpers in my ear, “I want you to catch it.”

“I—I don't know how,”I hesitate, staring through the sharpened eyes of my wolf.

“Trust your instinct, Lila,” he encourages with a gentle nudge in my ribs with his tall shoulder. “I know you can do it. Follow your gut.”

Right now, my gut only tells me that my appetite has soared to heights I've never known before. It's what spurs me on, deflating any second-guessing I might have done as I focus narrowed eyes on our prey. The arrow-sharp focus of my wolf trains on the target, giving way to the nimble instincts of my inner wolf that utilize its large body in ways I never thought possible. I lean back on my hind legs, my tail wagging like I'm kicking dust behind me before I lunge forward and haul myself over the fern bushes. I land in a calculated form, close enough to pounce on the goat and sink my teeth into its neck.

“Delicious…”I appraise, smacking my lips together when the goat falls lifelessly on the ground in front of me. As the rich warmth of its blood trickles down my throat, I can't help but become ravenous.

I dive right in, feasting on wolfy mouthfuls of hearty fresh meat I tear off in chunks. Everything around me becomes a blur, my full focus on filling the gaping hole of my hunger.

“Woah…slow down there, soldier,”Flynn's chuckle enters my mind. “Save some for me.”

I soon realize that I've cleaned out more than half of the goat's carcass and mentally blush. The rumble of a satisfied burp springs out from deep in my gut, and I step back to let the sound out.

“I guess we're both quenched,”I giggle internally.

“Good.”Flynn stares at me from over the goat, his eyes glowing with astonishment.

“Are you not gonna eat?”I ask, furry brows furrowing.

Flynn shakes his head, and steps over the goat without taking his penetrating eyes off me. “There is something more appealing right in front of me…”he drawls, the deep, raspy tone of his mental voice doing something to elicit the strongest awareness I've ever felt.

Being in wolf form is detrimental to my self-control. Coupled with the raging hormones of pregnancy, I see no need to remain decent in a time like this. I practically lunge forward, flinging myself into his wolf with a howl.

We tumble on the ground in a tangle of furry limbs, slowing down as we both shift into human form in unison. When the momentum eases, I end up on top of him, his hands on my waist.

Flynn chuckles. “We should go back, Lila. I—”

“Shut up and kiss me!” I command before crushing my lips to his. The only time I break the feverish kiss is to come up for air.

“So feisty,” he simpers as he smooths his palms on my back, simultaneously bunching up the hem of my dress and drawing it over my rear. His brows furrow and he scrunches his nose, strained. “I really think we should go back, Lila,” he groans. “This isn't what I had planned.”

I quirk up a brow, cocking my head to one side. “You had something planned?”

He nods, taking care not to put any strain on me as he lifts me over his lap and sets me on my feet. Taking my hand, he kisses the top of my knuckles, his heady gaze sending awareness to my core.

“As much as I want to ravish you after watching you hunt,” he drawls, spinning me on my heels until I land under hisarm. At my ear, he whispers, “I think it's about damn time you experienced other ways that a she-wolf can be seduced…”

Staring at him through the veil of my lashes, I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth as I contemplate that statement of promise and all that it entails. I nod slowly, allowing my Alpha to lead me back to town in our wolf forms. As blazing hot as my desire is, I'm eager to see what his plans are.