“With the marriage?”
“Uh-huh.” We near the door, a heavy sigh falling from my lips. “You know what happened between Flynn and me. There’s no way that this can happen. He hasn’t picked me becausethere’s a future for us. His mother told me that it’s a strategic move.”
“A strategic move?”
I nod, going on to explain how Luna Eloise so eloquently described this mate bond as a placeholder for the image of a strong united front.
It’s not like he’s doing this because of me, or because he remotely cares about my feelings. I’m just collateral in the grand schemes of his reign. We’ll never be real mates. What’s the point, anyway? Any hope that Miles might have had to connect me to my inner wolf is gone.
“I have to find a way out of this, Val,” I sigh.
“Well, you can’t reject him, Lila. He’s the Alpha now,” she worries as she follows me into the empty cabin.
“It’s not fair, Valerie,” I sigh, disheartened. “I can’t be forced into doing something I don’t wanna do. Just because I’m the Omega—”
“Is this because you still have feelings for him?" she speculates with a raised brow when she takes a seat at the kitchen table.
I hang behind the chair, clutching the backrest so tightly that my knuckles pale. “That’s not important.”
“Answer the ques—”
“N-no! Of course, not!” I object, shaking my head fervently. “I hate him for what he did, Val. There’s no way I can ever see myself living with him. Besides, I was hoping that a mate bond would help me connect with my inner wolf. This way, I have no hope.”
“Then what do you wanna do? It’s not like you have a choice.”
“I could…” I pause with a gulp, the idea suddenly coming to mind. “I could run away.”
“Run away?!” Valerie exclaims. “Are you insane?!”
I shrug diffidently. “It’s the only way I can save myself.”
“Save yourself from what?”
“Fromhim,”I swallow nervously. “I can’t be his mate, Valerie. He’s too…confusing.” I frown, the unsettling feeling rushing through my veins as I try to make sense of Flynn’s decision. For a split second, I witnessed his tough outer shell slipping away to reveal a softer side. But just as quickly as it came, it was gone again.
“You know what will happen if you run away, Lila. You’ll be doomed for the rest of your life.”
I pause, taking a moment to reflect on this. I’ve studied all of the pack’s lore when I was trying to uncover my inner wolf, so I know about the curse that befalls any Blood Moon werewolf if they ever break away from their pack and turn rogue.
“It only applies to werewolves whoactuallyhave wolves, Val. Think about it,” I offer with a promising smile. “Maybe the curse won’t befall me since I’m not connected to my inner wolf.”
Valerie purses her lips in contemplation. “What will you do, Lila? Where will you go?”
“I haven’t figured it out yet,” I whimper as I draw the chair out to take a seat. “That’s why I asked you for help.”
Valerie reaches across the table and folds my hands in hers, her brows worrying as she stares at me. “If you’re sure about this, Lila, then I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
“Thank you, my friend.” My bottom lip trembles with the emotions piling up in my chest.
Though I’m not entirely sure that I’m making the right decision, what I do know is that I can’t stay in Zafra and make the biggest mistake of my life. It was one thing having to constantly face Flynn in town. It’s another thing becoming his mate and fearing the horrors that may lie ahead when I’m forced to be under the same roof with him.
I’ll take my chances and run away, even if the Grime warns Blood Moon against such a thing. I’ll find my way out there by myself, just like I navigated my way through the treacherous life I’ve experienced in this pack.
Chapter 8 - Flynn
I glance at the window overlooking the town and facing the direction of the main house, wondering if Lila is still there. I’d been on the brink of uttering words of remorse for the type of behavior I’d displayed in the past. Perhaps I would have offered her an explanation, too. Sighing heavily, I drag my gaze back to the room when Miles speaks.
“They’ve agreed to have the meeting on Monday,” Miles informs me, pushing the binder I’ve already seen forward.