Just as I imagine this witch has the magic of this standing stone, whatever that might be. How can making things disappear be a useful skill?
Unless she can make our enemies disappear!
I stride over to the tall granite pillar and press my palms to it. Perhaps it will be one of those stones that works for everyone. Focusing on a rock near my feet, I say, “I wish this rock would disappear.”
I try a few more times, asking for various things to disappear with no results.
“Maybe it only works on clothes,” the pooka says.
“And how should I test this theory?” I growl at him. “I’m not going to lose the only pants I have.”
“She’swearing clothes.” He snorts and brandishes his horn toward the woman. “And I bet you can’t wait to get them off her.”
My glare can silence a guard room full of unruly orcs, but Dash only laughs.
Still, he’s right. I should test it to determine this standing stone’s magic. It’s the logical thing to do. That’s the only reason I’ll even try.
But when I look at the witch with her alluring curves and tempting bedroom eyes, my cock stirs, putting the lie to all my fine thoughts.
I do want her, damn it all.
She wears bright-blue human clothes in a thin fabric, the shirt and pants the same color, almost as if they’re some kind of uniform. As much as a part of me wishes to strip her as bare as she made me, I well know how miserable it would beto ride without the protection of pants, so I say, “I wish for her shirt to disappear.”
Nothing happens. I don’t know which is stronger—my disappointment that I can’t get the magic of the standing stone to work for me…
Or my disappointment that I don’t get to see her naked.
My weird-ass day just keeps getting weirder. The green man talks to the unicorn… and the unicorn answers. I can’t understand either of them, but it’s clearly a conversation.
On top of that, the man pulls out a piece of leather, runs his hands over it, and the material shifts and moves until it turns into pants!
He’s got seriously nice hands too, big, with long fingers. The way he pets the leather has me thinking about how they’d feel petting me, and I squirm a little, my body wanting to move. An older man like him would know what he’s doing, unlike my last attempt at dating, where the guy wentat it with all the finesse of a jackhammer for thirty seconds and thought he was god’s gift.
Those green fingers keep stroking, and the leather seals together without needing any kind of stitches. The new pants go on, and I feel a weird sense of relief and disappointment. Relief that he’s fixed what my magic did to him without his permission. If his scowls are anything to go by, he’s none too pleased I made his clothes disappear. But can he really bethatupset? I mean, his cock sure didn’t hate when I eyed it like it was a dulce de leche filled churro. Which leads to my disappointment. Because if his hands are nice, his cock’s a masterpiece. Ay! I’ve never seen one so big or perfectly formed.
And then there are the piercings…
The unicorn talks as the man walks over to the stone and presses his palms to it. I’m not sure why. Then he stares at me and says something, scowling with disappointment.
“Coño, I’m sorry!” I hold my hands up.
His expression doesn’t ease as he strides toward me, his chest on full display. Ay! It’s gorgeous too, with lots of wonderful muscle definition. Everything about him is refined into perfect lines. It’s as if gray monster man was someone’s clumsy first attempt to make life, and after decades of practice, they got really good at it and created a masterpiece—the green man.
“I could use you to study for an anatomy exam.” My eyes move from one muscle to the next. “Pectoralis major, trapezius, deltoid—”
I hadn’t noticed the bruising on his biceps before because of his green skin, but it’s swollen and turning purple.Now that I know what to look for, I spot a few more bruises on his sides. He might have stabbed the big gray monster, but he clearly got hit a few times, too.
“Oh, no. You’re hurt!” I reach out, my hand fluttering over the biggest injury. What can I do for it? If we’re really in Faerie just like the old stories—which seems more and more likely—there’s no ice or anti-inflammatories.
Heat warms my chest, and an electric tingle rushes through me the second I touch him.
He jerks away from me as if he felt the shock, too. But the bruise—no, make thatallof the bruises—disappears!