“Tuna fish. It also makes great sandwiches.”
I grunt. Now I will know what to ask Olivia for.
We’re almost done with this first course by the time the village’s flock of pixies wakes for the night and flies into the green in a solid stream of glowing blue lights.
“Oh!” Selenasays. “They’re like sprites!”
The lead pixie, who’d been arrowing toward Olivia, pulls up short and comes over to hover in the air in front of my moon bound. All of her glows light blue, her skin, her hair, her birch-leaf clothes, and the wide moth wings on her back. “We’renothinglike sprites!” she screeches and jabs a tiny finger at Selena. “You take that back!”
My bride bites at her lip, fighting down a laugh. She clears her throat a couple of times before finally getting out, “I’m sorry. You’re obviously a completely different tiny flying fae with butterfly wings.”
“These aren’tbutterflywings!” The pixie sounds outraged, fluttering her named appendages in agitation. “They’re moth wings, asanyonecan see.”
I decide to cut this short, before the mischievous imps decide Selena is worthy of being pranked. “Did you know Selena has healing magic?” I say. “Are any of your flock hurt? Bring them to her.”
The pinch of anger leaves the pixie’s face, and she calls out in her normal voice, the sound so high and fast the words become nothing but a whistle teasing the edge of hearing.
In short order, a clump of the miniscule fae fly around the wide trunk of the pub’s heart tree. They settle on the table in front of us for a second, then break apart, all of them flying in different directions, leaving behind a lone pixie. She stands, one of her wings hanging limply.
A soft gasp of sympathy comes from Selena, and she brushes a finger over the shock of white hair standing straight up from the pixie’s head. My moon bound’s magic tingles through the air, and the wing lifts and extends until it mirrors the healthy one on the other side.
A high chorus of yells fills the green as the pixie takes to the air, her flock dancing around her in a whirl of joy.
My mother and father stare at my bride with wide eyes, and pride warms my chest. It’s been difficult to talk with them, but it’s easier with Selena by my side. Everything in life is better now that she’s with me.
I hope I can be the same for her.
The head pixie hovers in front of Selena for a moment, dipping her head in thanks. “You are forgiven.” Then she’s off, chattering at Olivia, her small finger jabbing toward the remains of the potato dish on the other human’s plate. “What is this? This isn’t pizza!”
Selena finally lets her laugh free, the song of it singing through my heart.
Full night has fallen by the time we walk back to our cottage, calling goodnights to Wranth as we pass the guest cottage. Mother and Father walk with us to my childhood home, where we pause awkwardly. A tiny push on my back propels me forward, and I give my mother a hug, startling her so much that at first her hands hover in the air like she doesn’t know what to do with them. Then they settle on my back, strong and sure and remembered from childhood.
My father’s hug comes more readily, even if it doesn’t last as long.
Selena grins up at me as we continue on to our cottage. “How did that feel?”
“Like forgiveness,” I say, remembering the strength of my mother’s grip, something I never thought to feel again. “Thank you for pushing me.”
“I’m too tiny to actually push you, you know. You still made the move on your own.”
“I wouldn’t have without you,” I say. “Couldn’t have. I was too chained to the past to find a way forward.”
I open the front door and hold it for her. As soon as it shuts behind us, I light the glow stones waiting by the entrance, their golden light soft and warm. Just like my bride.
My knees hit the floor in front of her, putting us almost at the same height. Her eyes go wide as I pick up her hands to clasp them in mine. “My Selena, my amazing moon bound bride. It was terribly wrong of me to let my own shortcomings lead me to hide our bond. I never meant to hurt you.”
“Oh, Sturrm.” A sheen of tears covers her lovely copper eyes. “You don’t—”
“I do.” I cut her off, then say more softly, “I’m sorry, but I do.”
She gives me a little nod.
“I’m unworthy of you. I know this. But I promise I will spend my every waking breath trying to become worthy.”
“No. None of that now.” Selena taps a finger to my chest, then smoothes her palm over my heart. “You listen to me, husband of mine, and you listen hard. When the ogres attacked, you were amazing and powerful and fierce.”