Wranth hurries in, followed by Gerna, who pushes past him. “Let me get to my patient.”
“Don’t you mean my patient?” Selena says.
“Ourpatient.” Gerna grins at my bride. “After all, you sent his clothes to my apothecary that first day you met.”
I gape at her and then at my bride. “Is that where they wound up?”
“I guess my magic thought her apothecary was the doctor’s office when I stripped you for your ‘examination.’” Selena giggles. “No regrets.”
They each lean over to observe me, Gerna pressing various vials to my skin and noting their color.
“Why are you two looking at me like that?” I frown.
“Whatever happened to you wasn’t simply physical.” My moon bound touches my shoulder, and a thread of her warm healing magic weaves through me. “I healed your body as soon as you passed out, but you didn’t wake up.”
“The old myths say the berserker rage severs a warrior’s soul from mind and body, allowing him to do whatever needs to be done,” Wranth says.
“Even though Selena healed your body immediately, your soul needed time to fully reconnect,” Gerna says. She makes me drink something and asks how it tastes.
When I say apples, she grunts.
“How long was I out for?” I ask.
“Two days.”
“That’s all?” Shock thrums through me. “The last time I lost myself to the berserker rage, I lost consciousness for over a week.”
“You came back to yourself for just a second before you passed out,” Selena says. “You were you again. I saw it in your eyes. I think you’d already started to reconnect.”
“I came back for you.” I place my hand over hers. My memories of that time are hazy, but one thing shines through clearly—her beautiful face looking at me with the most precious expression of trust. Goddess, how I love that look.
But that doesn’t explain everything. She’s far too small to get me up onto the unicorn’s back, let alone keep me there for an entire day’s ride. “How did you get me to the village?”
“I was out hunting with Branikk,” Wranth says. “We heard the fight. It was over by the time we got there, but we were able to help everyone get to the village safely.”
I reach out, and we clasp forearms. “Thank you, my friend.”
“I also sent word to King Aldronn that you’d succeeded in your quest.”
Goddess, I’d forgotten about the quest for a moment, all my thoughts focused on my bride. “The crystals. Will they work for the antidote?”
“They should,” Gerna says. “I’ve got the first batch brewing.”
Selena nods. “And even if they don’t, I bet I can heal the other humans of the deathsleep, since I was able to do it to myself.”
“My amazing bride.” I squeeze her hand. “Your magic is a blessing to us all.”
Tapping at the window makes everyone turn to face it.
Wranth strides over and throws it open.
“Thank the goddess,” Dash says, his tone amused. “I got tired of waiting.”
“Is Sturrm okay?” Bellavesaria’s head pushes into view, right beside the unicorn’s. It seems they’ve grown close, no matter how much they might bicker or perhaps because of the bickering.
“He is!” Selena calls out. “You know what that means.”
“On it!” Dash gives his whinnying laugh and disappears from the window.